Wednesday, January 6, 2010


After all that excitement yesterday I spent the morning today emailing off booking enquiries for an apartment in Paris and three gites in the countryside. Very exciting. I hope they reply quickly because if they are not available I will have to get busy and find something else.
In 2008 we spent three months in England staying in cottages and had a wonderful time. It is such a beautiful country and we feel we really got to know it quite well.
Let's hope the same goes for France - at least the little bit of it we will explore this time.

Later in the morning I set off to the material shop to purchase some material for my quilt.
My first quilt.
It's really coming on. I have put the final border on it.

So all there is to be done now is the quilting.  It's going off to be machine quilted next week so the lining  material was the last bit I had to buy.

 I bought the special stuff that is all in one piece to make life easy ( and cost effective ).

It's not brilliant but is only the lining after all.
I think it will go OK.
Then I set about making a matching pillow case for the bed - not to sleep on you understand. Just to finish off the "look".

Now, you know I'm not really a sewer so I'm flying by the seat of my pants here.
I think it will work out.

I tried to do the " stitch in the ditch" type of quilting here with moderate success - a little puckering even though I tacked it all in place and used a thing called a walking foot. I'll try hard not to point out all my mistakes when I show it off to my quilting pals!
So now I just have to work out the back part and sew it all together and if it all works out then make another one !!!

Then while I was checking that the lining matched OK with the quilt I spied the cushion I made last year at a class on sewing celtic circle patterns and it looks great with it !

So I'm a happy little  ( !! ) sewer.
I've just got to work out the rest of the pillow cover ..............



  1. Hi Helen I am just trying to catch up with everyone - I have major computer problems and have had to resort to using an extremely old laptop which is reeeaally slow!!! I have just read about your trip to France, you will love it especially if you are foodies and wineys!! we love it there especially the Loire and Normandy, how very exciting for you. Your quilt is looking fab I you are obviously a good sewer don't down yourself because it all look great to me!! Can't wait to see the finished result and the Celtic cushion will match perfectly clever lady!! Kim x

  2. Hi clever you!
    So beautiful Helen. The colours of the cushion match perfectly to the other pillow and quilt. I certainly have not got the patience to do anything like this! It will look so beautiful on the bed.
    I should think you're really looking forward to your new adventure. We've had a load of snow spent the morning shovelling out!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  3. Wait, wait, wait, back up...

    Three monthes in Paris.....

    I hope you have a laptop to keep us all informed as the journey takes place. What would we do without your daily cheers.

    Think about it.

    Love those blues and yellows... I'm thinking BlueBerry Lemonade. So, bright and cheerie.

    Have a fun time with all these colors.

  4. Hi Helsie,
    What is a "gites"? I learned to sew from my college roommates - both were good teachers and that's what they ended up doing. One is still teaching (1st grade) and the other just retired with over 30 years at her current school system ( she has a doctorate and taught 10th or 11th grade). Me - I was a Philosophy major who ended up working in the group health and dental insurance industry with about 30 years there when I retired. Now I can't believe my working career is over but I LOVE retirement. Anyways back to sewing - I have two sewing machines (New Home now called Janone and my paternal Grandmother's 1940s Singer) and a Viking serger. Even with my experience I had trouble "sewing in the ditch" too. There must be a knack to it. Your quilt and pillow cover are beautiful - I love the colors. Today I'm catching up with laundry which I haven't done since Christmas. I have two loads of everything to do but now we'll have underwear and socks again. LOL!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  5. Hi there! Your quilt is abosolutely beautiful. My favourite colours! The pillow case and cushion look great too. So clever! Ros

  6. Well done you. I would love to get a quilt under my belt, must try it one day but there are a dozen other things to tick off first I'm afraid. Three months in France sounds unbelievable, how fantastic is that?!!


  7. Hi Helen
    The quilt, the pillowcase and pillow all look fantastic. Don't need to see close-ups of any tiny little hiccups as the overall effect is great
