Monday, January 4, 2010


I'm sooo excited. This year we had been hoping and planning to visit France in October,  in Autumn.

We were hoping to see Autumn colours in the countryside and have some nice cooool weather ( probably cooler than our Winter !!!).

BUT ........

 ... there were problems with dog-sitting of these two .....

Dash   ...

the Australian Cattle Dog cross

...... and Baker.

.. the Border Collie.

So we have decided to go .......

in ....

April !

So this morning we booked and paid for our airline tickets !!!

We did it all online - very adventurous for such a big trip, we've always dealt through travel agents before but the price was so good we decided to give it a go.
Booked and paid a little extra for Exit Aisle seats so Tony can fit his 6 foot 4in frame in comfortably without the need to chop off his legs!

It's such a long flight from Brisbane to Paris.
Twenty-four hours flying time with a 3 hour break after eight hours while we change planes in Singapore.
But you know what?
We LOVE  it.!
We LOVE going to the airport.
We LOVE finding our seat.
We LOVE looking to see what the meals are going to be.
We LOVE choosing a movie.
We LOVE reading our books and magazines.
We LOVE talking to fellow travellers.
We LOVE being uncomfortable and not sleeping or getting comfortable and napping a bit.

We just love it all!

It's such an adventure. Getting to finally see all those places we've read about and seen in movies and on TV.

We're going to France !

For 4 weeks....

ONE week in Paris...
ONE week in Normandy.....
and TWO weeks in the Loire Valley !

And now I have a project.
I've got to get onto the internet and book an apartment in Paris and gites in the French countryside .



We're going to FRANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps. Sorry for all the shouting!


  1. Hi Helsie,
    Wow - your trip sounds wonderful! I've never been aboard (except Canada and Mexico). My hubby took an international business trip once to Amsterdam and London. We have talked about a trip to Italy, France and England someday but we just don't enjoy flying anymore with all the restrictions/security and just being uncomfortable and treated like cattle. (We both flew a lot here for business in the 1980s to retirement.) Here's to having a great time in France! (My mother's maiden name was "LaBoissiere" - my paternal grandfather's mother spoke French. He came from upper New York (very close to the Canadian border) I would assume they came to USA from French Canada - my cousin swears the family was originally from Paris. Enough of me and my background. The time will go by fast and your trip will be here before you know it.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. OOh! Helen,
    How lovely! How exciting! What a lovely way to bring in the New Year aranging a holiday. A fantastic holiday at that! So....pleased for you.
    It's just starting to snow here again while I'm blogging. Looks as though it's settling. It's so cold too. Yuck!
    Love to you well done I hope everything goes well for you.

  3. Thank you so much for your kind comment on my last post. It has meant a lot to me to know that there are so many kind caring bloggers out there and that in the short while I have been blogging I have made so many friends.

    Now to your exciting news - You will just love France in April it will be so much nicer in the spring than the autumn and you still have it to look forward to don't you! We had a great few days in Paris just before Christmas and fully intend to go again this year. I have booked a flight to visit my friend near Limoges where we used to live and am looking forward to that too - the first week in March.

    Thanks again for your support.


  4. Helsie thanks for your comment on mine - of course I'd be only too happy to give any advice I can - we lived in France for about 5 years all told so I probably do know a few tips!


  5. Wow!!! What an absolutely fantastic way to start 2010. I'm sure you will let us know all the details and tales from the trip - pseudo-traveller that I am

  6. Me Again,
    Yes, our New Years Eve spread was just for me and hubby. But the food lasted from New Years Eve through the weekend. Our plans are firmed up for our trip to WDW FL - we have reservations for 8 nights at WDW's Ft. Wilderness Campground. Our friends are staying at a cabin at the campground. We are looking forward to getting on the road. We went to WDW the same time period last year (and again in Nov 09). Hubby likes it but he's not as crazy about it as I am. After WDW stay we hope to drive to southern FL to visit my cousin who unfortunately lost her husband this year.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  7. I could almost hear you shouting, all the way over here in the UK!!! :) Sounds like a fabulous trip that you have planned. I love your dogs, by the way. I'd love to dog-sit them :)). Enjoy your excitement!!!! Ros
