Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today is our Wedding Anniversary.

38 years of wedded bliss!

Seems just a short time ago . ( Photography has come a long way. Hope our photos today weather time better than these have).
Tonight we intend to walk to our local Thai restaurant for dinner then walk back home. Probably about 3 k each way.

In the cool of the evening it should be very pleasant and help with the weight problem too!



  1. Congratulations to you both Helsie. Love the photo - you both look very glam! I expect you'll be mid way towards the restaurant right now and I hope you have a wonderful evening.

  2. Hi Helsie,
    Happy 38th Anniversary! You beat us by two years - we will celebrate 36 this May (25th). So, let's see, we got married in 1974 so you must of married in 1972? Haven't the years gone by quickly or so it seems to us. Love your photo - what a grand and lovely couple! You mentioned you retired 2 and 1/2 years ago - that's just about the time we retired. We took the plunge at the end of January 2008 so we are coming up to the end of our 2nd year of retirement. We love it too!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  3. congratulations Helen and Hubbie your photo looks so pretty 38 years! time flys - we are heading for 30. Have a lovely romantic meal! Kim x

  4. Happy Anniversary to you two! I hope you get to visit France and find the accomodations you want for your stay...also that you can find someone to watch your two doggies. We have two Australian cattle dogs too, they just love to run our two acres!

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both! How wonderful!
    We celebrated our 26th Anniversary this year.
    I bet the years have flown by. They do when you are enjoying yourself!
    Hope you had a good meal. An eventful week for you Helen, what with your Anniversary and booking a fantastic holiday!
    Have a good week, have a good year!
    Lots of love from Sue in a freezing brr....UK!

  6. Congrats Helsie. What a beautiful bride you were. Perfect handsome couple
