Thursday, January 7, 2010


Firstly I'd like to say a big thank-you to all my blogland friends for their good wishes yesterday.

Thank-you we had a lovely dinner and walk, although the walk home was not as nice as the walk down and by the time we staggered through the front door, I was very hot indeed.
Thank goodness we have air-con and it was not long before I was cool again but oh I hate this heat !!!!

This evening we have been invited to a BBQ with a lovely young Scottish couple who are over here on a university exchange. They are good friends of our daughter who spent several years working in Edinburgh as a physiotherapist.
We were supposed to go last Sunday but the dreaded thunder storms hit and the BBQ had to be cancelled but not before I had made dessert - a Lemon Meringue Pie!
Now you all know that you can't freeze Lemon Meringue Pie....
 and you know how many calories are in a big sweet delectable pie like this.....
 and you know I'm off to Paris in 12 weeks time so of course I must lose weight ...


I had to get rid of it quickly before we succummed to the temptation of scoffing it all down and


I quickly sent large slices of it off to friends and neighbours and disaster was avoided!

So ...

Today I made another

Lemon Meringue Pie !

First I lined the dish with pastry...........

Then I assembled all the ingredients for the lushious lemony bit .

I added the juice of 3 lemons to 2 cans of condensed milk .

Tasted it..... mmm. Just right!

Mixed in 4 egg yolks and poured it into the cooked pie shell.
Next I beat 4 egg whites to soft peak then gradually added 1 cup of caster sugar to make the meringue.
On to the lemony stuff I piled it and into the oven ( 350 F  - 180 C ) for as long as it took to lightly brown.

and ......

Voila !

Did you notice I'm speaking   French !



  1. Oh, my gosh... That pie looks like Julia's. YUM..... Now about the word HEAT outside. Please send some my way.

    I can tell you are getting excited about your trip. You have to post your travel plans and goodies. Being a retire Travel Agent after 25 years, I love to hear about all the details and who and where you book through. Online?

    Time for bed, more snow on the way over night....icks... the snow blower died this morning, so that means the shovels....

  2. Oh my word! Lemon meringue pie just has to be my very favouritest dessert. Those cans of Ideal condensed milk bring back so many childhood memories. I haven't seen them on UK supermarket shelves for years. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough. Now you've jogged my memory I'll have a good look next time I shop.

    I agree with the Garden Bell about the's blooming freezing here in the UK. I'm not really complainingthough, because school has been closed for two days now...... that means housey jobs done and noew lots of knitting and blog surfing time. Best wishes to you! Ros

  3. Ooh-la-la!! That LMP looks wonderful - reminds me of when I was a child as my mother used to make it a lot, I can just taste it now. What are you going to do with this one then? Remember France!

    I feel for you with all that heat, can't stand high temperatures - but I can't stand the freezing weather here either, brrrrrr.


  4. I'd love you to send me a piece BUT I started back with my Slimming Club Mondahy, so I'm goodie, goodie!
    It does look yummy though Helen, nice comfort food it is so cold....UK coveed in a blanket of snow.

    Just cleared the drive again,
    Pick mom up now, shes so independent at 79, didn't want a lift from her friends. But I can't have that. So cup of tea and I'm off.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  5. yummy looks so good and i love lemon pie! o my not sure how i am going to read and look at all of these great blogs after 1/11/10 the is the big Diet day start, i met with my friend that is a weight coach ( visit her site at )and she has agreed to help me. So next week at our office there will be 3 women starting the diet all at the same time, o my i feel so bad for our customers, i just hope we dont loose any business.

    But today i will enjoy my day off with Turtle and a trip to Chuckee Cheese - lol

    Happy Aniversary!

  6. pleeease send me a slice!Lemons and meringue my favourites in any way shape or form! Its funny you are baking hot and we are freezing! wish we all had a happy medium ,0h well never mind - I do think dieting is easier in the heat though, when it is cold I just want to eat, eat, eat! he!he! Kim x

  7. Yummy!!! I love Lemon Meringue Pie and yours looks so very delicious. Surely there is lots of healthy goodness in it - lemons, eggs

  8. That lemon meringue pie looks absolutely delicious!

  9. Your lemon meringue pie looks superb and I'm sure it tastes just as good. I believe you also make a brilliant florentine using condensed milk and would really appreciate you sharing that recipe as well.

  10. That looks absolutely delicious!
