Friday, January 8, 2010


When you are a long way from home studying and working and trying to experience a whole different lifestyle sometimes you have to improvise with what you can lay your hands on for the things we all take for granted.
Actually that's part of the fun of it.
That's what our young friends Lorna and Kevin are doing here in Brisbane. They are from Scotland and over here on a university exchange for Kevin.
While he is trying to find his way around our university and his difficult course Lorna is trying to fit into our hospital system where she is working as a Physio.
All this plus coming to grips with missing your family and friends at home, making new friends, exploring the country and its way of life.
On a tight budget.

It was a pleasant, not-too-hot evening last night at their "flat" (apartment - unfurnished when they rented it ) on the river.
The view across the river to the university was lovely in the setting sun.

and we were all in the mood for a quiet drink and chat.


The citronella candles were burning to keep the mozzies (mosquitos) at bay and give us gentle light..

and the nibbles were within reach.

Now, look at the coffee table !

You see what I mean? You can't buy all that fancy furniture when you're only going to be here a short time !

The TV cabinet does the job too.

... the bedside tables are the same!
You have to improvise!

Kevin had a go at bread making but had a bit of trouble working out which flour to use.

They are going to try it toasted !!

However he knows how to cook a mean BBQ....
... and the Lemon Meringue Pie went down well.

Thanks for a lovely night Kevin and Lorna .


  1. Those were the days - improvisation. Actually, come to think of it we're still doing a bit of that now. Trouble is you get used to improvisation very quickly and it's only when someone comes to the house that you realise you still have bare light bulbs!

    Good to see you found a good home for that LMP!


  2. Sounds like you had a great evening. I remember those days of improvisation only too well... even though they are a good long time ago now. I loved looking at your beautiful photos of warm summery evenings, with everyone in shorts and the citronella candles burning. I could almost smell them. We are still in the midst of snow, ice and howling winds. Still, it's sometimes really nice to 'batten down the hatches' and stay inside all warm and cosy. Have a great weekend! Ros

  3. Hi Helsie,
    Hubby ran out to get supper for us - isn't he sweet! We eating later than usual because my SIL called (twice today!) to give me an update on my niece and then I talked to my brother for a while. Busy day taking down Christmas decorations in the family room and giving it a good cleaning. Still three more rooms to do. But, as you know, a retiree doesn't have to go back to work on Monday. HA! Cute couple you visited with - reminds me of my poor college days (book shelves supported by concrete blocks) and early married years. By the way your lemon m. pie looked good. It seems easy to make - I've never made one. I would like it but not sure hubby would eat any of it. If it isn't chocolate he doesn't want it. Have a nice evening or day whatever time it is down under.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  4. Looks like a good evening was had by all. I'd just have been happy with the meringue pie. Yummy!

    Yes the top of the drawstring bag was recycled from a piece of damaged embroidered tray cloth and the check fabric was one of my daughters little toddler dresses.(she's 14 now so I thought I'd had it long enough and ought to use it!)

  5. Hi Helen,
    A good evening was had by all, It looks as though you had a good time, especially with that yummy pie. I always panic when I go to my daughters flat. Frightened to look in the cupboards in case they are bare. They have furniture pleased to say.
    Young people eh?
    Love Suex
