Monday, January 25, 2010


A little history lesson:-

On the 26th of January 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip went ashore at Port Jackson in Sydney Harbour.
He had navigated halfway round the world with a fleet of 13 ships to make a penal settlement in a spot recommended to the British Government by Captain James Cook and Joseph Banks, the botanist.

He ( Capt Phillip ) and a handful of men claimed this new land for England and raised the British flag to signify it was now a British possession.

Just in the nick of time as French ships were sighted soon after !

Captain Philip went on to establish the colony firstly as a penal colony and soon open to free settlers in the land now known as Australia.

So now every year on the 26th January, we celebrate Australia Day .

The day of the first white settlement of Australia 222 years ago.

Of course it is a public holiday.

A day we celebrate our great country .

A day we go to the beach.

A day we meet friends for a BBQ where we cook sausages, steak, prawns and lamb.

A day we eat lamingtons.

We wear

thongs ( on our feet !!!),

togs (to swim in ),

budgie smugglers
(!! togs for men also called DTs otherwise known as speedos),

zinc cream on our noses to stop the sunburn,


bare feet !

We drink our beer icy cold from a stubbie and keep it cold with a stubby holder


love a cuppa

and vegemite on toast.

A day we celebrate being  Australian.


PS. All pictures today from the internet! ( no that isn't me in the bikini !!!!!!!)


  1. Have FUN celebrating on your holiday! What is vegemite (by Kraft)? Back in my insurance working days Kraft Foods was one of the clients I had for several years. Today we pack up our RV and tomorrow we take off on our RV trip to WDW Florida. I'm getting excited. Well, back to bed - the old leg twitches got me up in the middle of the night.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Happy Belated Australia Day Helen! sounds great fun! My favourite footwear are thongs (we call them flip flops) I wear them all summer and loads of different designs! ** Kim x

  3. Lamingtons? Zinc cream? Well well. I've never heard of either.
    Banks as in banksia!

    Captain Cook was making soup
    His wife was making jelly
    Captain Cook he spilt the soup
    And burnt his rubber belly!

    We used to chant that when we played with skipping ropes at primary school.

  4. I hope you enjoyed Australia Day Helen. What a lovely way to spend a Bank Holiday.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  5. Hi Helen,
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Little Miss Twin has been living with her boyfriend for a year in Feb. The lease is up. Her idea is to come back home for 6 months so that they can 'save money'!. She's coming here, he's going to his. Now I was upset when she left. Not what I had planned you know Helen. I imagined the white wedding dress. But I realise it's what the younger generation of today do. But you know we never had much money when we were starting off, we stuggled but we were together. It all seems strange to me. I hope this seperation doesn't turn into a 'permanent seperation'. Mothers worry. Is this what they do these days? I don't know.
    I always enjoy stopping by to your blog. I love the photos you show and the information you tell us about your country. Fantastic blog. A lot of hard work goes into it Helen, thank you for that. I'm sure your other Readers appreciate your hard work and enjoy it too.!
    Hugs and Love Suex
