Saturday, January 23, 2010


Just a quick post today as it is Sunday and we are just back from a quick visit to the shops.
Our trip to France is only about 9 weeks away and with visitors from Wales expected, as well as four more family birthdays, our weekends till we leave are rather busy.

Today I bought a very compact folding umbrella to take to France - you have to be prepared for any sort of weather in Spring !
It is to be a gift from Mum and Dad for my birthday. ( more about THAT soon !) .

We also looked around for some Wintery clothing. Difficult to find here in the depths of Summer but starting to come into the shops now and seeing that the Spring in France is probably colder than any of our Winter weather we need to be prepared ! ( oh how I'm pining for some COLD weather ! )

It is all very exciting.

Now for a small ta dah !

My quilt goes off to be machine quilted this week so when that task is completed all that's left is the binding - a feat in itself I'm sure.
As it is my first quilt I will need instruction from my experienced quilting pals on the finer points of how to go round the corners and then the big job of hand sewing the binding can be undertaken - will definitely have to have the aircon on to tackle this one . ( our electricity bill will be sky high in all this heat ).

Sorry I'm beginning to waffle on a bit here. : )    ( have wanted to do that little smiley thing for ages !!!)

Down to the  ta dah!

I am in the throes of making pillow covers to match the quilt. Just decorative pillows that sit on the bed and are replaced with the real ones at night time to sleep on. You know !

And as I have said before I'm a bit of a beginner at this sewing game. 

I have just been experimenting.
Standing back and thinking.
Adding a trim here and a bit more there till it looked right .....

.....and then taking the plunge and sewing it all together.

 And so

" Voila " ( in French )


"Ta Dah "( in English )

the back

the front !

One down, one more to go.

I'm rather pleased with it.



  1. hello and thank u for dropping by...well the me it is great tv knitting ..mindless twiddling with my hands ..and yes some have gone to the uk ..and some we wear in the winter with the trusty old birkies..but if i was really honest i just enjoy the sock yarn and of course the addi turbo needles..they don't call them turbo for nothing ..hope to catch up again soon

  2. i love your pillow cover it looks great and will look awesome with the quilt great work!

  3. Well done Helsie, you'll do the other one in half the time and then there'll be no stopping you!


  4. You will have a great time in France. We were there about 10 yrs ago. Also, went up to Bruges. Loved that even more.

    That is no small ta-da, it looks great and such wonderful colors.

    Stop by here we have some warm clothes for you....he-he...


  5. We have , not counting today, three days until we leave for Walt Disney World Florida!!!! I will not be posting while we are gone. In WDW you have to rent a modem to attach to your TV to get internet service and we don't want to do that. Even if campgrounds have wireless the internet service can be poor or just not work at your site. Sometimes it good to take a break anyways. Your quilted pillow cover is lovely by the way.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  6. Well done, I love the pillow cover.
    Can't wait to see the quilt too.

  7. That's such a pretty pillow cover.... gorgeous prints and colours. I love it! Ros

  8. Fantastic pillow covering. Can't wait to see the full Ta-Dah. I am sure your grin will be massive

  9. Hello. Thank you for popping by. I love that patchwork pillow - very pretty.

  10. Lovely pillow cover.
    Wish I was going to France too. Which part? You are very wise to take that umbrella with you.
    Have you still got time to do internet buying before you go? I always find that's the best way of getting things that aren't in the shops.
