Thursday, January 28, 2010


The hot weather continues relentlessly so we dragged ourselves off to the hairdresser today in a bid to at least look better! My hairdresser lives at Wynnum, an outer suburb about an hour's drive away. ( hairdresser moved -  I followed her )
Brisbane lies on the Brisbane River a little inland from Moreton Bay where the river empties into the sea and Wynnum is what we call a Bayside Suburb.
And because it is on the Bay it is soooo much cooler.
So while I sat in the hairdresser and had the works Tony did a bit of a photo gathering tour for you.

Because it is the Bay, the beaches are not good or almost non existant except at low tide and NO-ONE ever swims there.(shallow, muddy, YUK !)

Instead there is a large tidal wading pool for the littlies.

The foreshore is lined with parks and trees and a walking/ cycling track and the whole area is very popular for picnics.

There are also lots of cafes and outdoor eating places.

In short a nice place to go to cool off with lovely sea breezes without going for a swim.

BUT if you are into boats this is the place for you.

There's a fantastic marina to safely moor your boat

and many people enjoy the cool relaxed lifestyle of the Bay.

So that was our day.
The house was hot and stuffy when we got home after the cooler breezes of Wynnum and a thunder storm built up in the west then fizzled out before it got here so no relief from the heat today but the possibility of a storm again tomorrow and some relief for the 35+ C temperatures soon.



  1. Ooh it looks so warm and inviting and bright - there is hardly any light here today and its coold again! Thank you for bringing a little warmth into my January! **Kim x

  2. What a special treat to see this lovely little town. I forgot what the sun looks like on the sea. Wonderful pictures to start my day with and such a delight to see on another cold (6 degree morning) snow cap start.

    Long day yesterday with the tiler in the bath. Probably won't post today, as major decision and guidance need to be made.

    Enjoy your new do,

    Oh, we call a haircut a NEW DO, here.

  3. OOh that harbour, those boats. What I would give to walk round there. When I open your blog up I try to imagine myself walking along that beautiful beach too. WE are longing for warmth and sunshine.
    My Husband still travels 20 miles to his dentist!
    Thanks for the kind comments on my blog Helen, recently and today. I appreciate them. We worry about our kids. I cant get over your Grandmother! 103 too. They had a very hard life, and it didn't do them any harm at all did it? Its what made them stronger. These days it's so different. I was interested in reading about your Grandmother thank you!
    Hugs and Love SUex

  4. Hi Helsie,
    I'm sitting in our RV at our campground site in North Carolina waiting for the road service to show up this morning. Our trip didn't end so well last night. After driving 350 miles and after setting up the RV yesterday hubby decided to de-winterize the water heater and went back outside around 4:45 PM. A few minutes later he came back in bleeding from the head. He walked right into the bedroom slideout which has a very sharp edge. Head wounds bleeds quite a lot. Once the bleeding was done we drove to the nearest medical facility and after a two and 1/2 hr wait and NINE stitches later (poor hubby) and with a headache and a sore head we left the ER. We stopped on the way back to the RV to have some supper and got back to the campsite at 8:30 PM. So much for an relaxing evening. We got up this AM hoping that it would be a better day and it was until we started to hitch up. The jacks that support the overhang of the 5th wheeler wouldn't go up. We have a road service we belong to so we called them. Now we are waiting for the repair truck to come to fix the problem. They told us it would take an hour to an hour and 1/2 to get here. At least the campground has internet service here. Now pray for us that they can fix the problem so we can get back on the road. We may or may not get to Walt Disney World by Friday afternoon. Normally we wouldn't care if we were late but we are meeting friends down there. Just so you know you aren't the only one who drives longer distances to stay with a hair dresser. My hair dresser's store in Illinois moved twice and both times I drove further to stay with her. When one has a good hair dresser one hates to start over with a new one. The bay photos are great - what a pretty place with all the boats etc. Hope you get some cooler weather soon!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  5. Oh no Sandy what an awful start. Perhaps your poor wounded one needs a day off the road to recouperate. He may have a bit of concussion too. Take care.

  6. Aaaahhhh..... the beaches, the sunshine. Looks gorgeous. I wouldn't want our UK winters any warmer, I'd like them colder, frostier, snowier etc. especially at Christmas, but if only our summers could be sunny and warm like they should be, like in those pictures. You are so lucky.

  7. Ooh fab photos Helsie! Hope you get some respite from the heat; that sounds so strange when we're wishing for some heat here in blighty! Oh well we're never satisfied are we!!
    Forgot to wish you happy Australia Day - hope you had a brilliant time. Loved your little potted history of this auspicious day!

    Jeanne x

  8. Sorry not to have visited for a while, have had a busy busy week. Lovely photos, what a sweetie Tony is doing that for us all! It looks like you had the place to yourselves.
