Saturday, January 2, 2010


Today's predicted thunder storms came early  and by lunchtime the rain was bucketing down, so all activities - for us a BBQ with Scottish friends -were cancelled ( or rather postponed ) till later in the week.

At least the recent rain has brought the green back to our garden and we have a green lawn again .

 It has a way to go to recover completely but it's not bad for only 10days !

We've had a quiet day lazing the afternoon away watching a movie ( sometimes with our eyes closed I confess ! ).
 So next week it's back to normality.
The house needs a thorough clean after the Christmas / New Year laziness and the diet will be back in force after the backsliding that has been happening around here.

So since nothing much has been going on aound here I thought I'd show off some more of my SIL's achievements.

She has been putting her creative talents into knitting tea cosies.

Here are a few whimsical ones she has created..............

decorated with pink flowers

topped with knitted sandwiches !

topped with mice and cheese !

Note the mouse's rear end and tail sticking out of the cosy !....

and finally, my favourite,  a nest of chooks

Oh, do you call them chooks or is that Aussie slang ? ( for hens )



  1. Oh I love th tea-cosy topped with mice and cheese. It's so pretty!We're having our last lazy day too. I did spend yesterday afternoon and evening cleaning the house though, as our children and their partners and dog left for home yesterday morning. I start back to school tomorrow, but feel like I need another week's holiday to recover from Christmas :) Happy New Year to you! Ros

  2. Those tea cozies are too cute. I must learn how to do that. The mice are my favs.

    Now, about that green grass and the big beautiful yard. Can I come over to play in yor garden? I miss mine so much. Keep those pictures of the green coming.

    Have a great day,
    Kate - TGB

  3. Hi Helsie,
    Your home is lovely. I like the landscaping. We tore all our landscaping by our front door out in 2009. The builder planted it 15 years ago and it was overtaking everything no matter how much we clipped it back. We also had two Serviceberry trees planted on either side of our front door removed (and we loved them) but they were getting huge. You almost couldn't see our front door it was so crowded with shrubs etc. Now it is bare until we figure out what to do going forward - we (I) want to put in a new sidewalk and dress up the front slab. Now you can see our front door. This week I will start to put away the Christmas decorations and get back on my diet of restricting sweets and doing my Wii Fit work out. I love your SIL's tea cosies - does she share any of the crochet patterns? I would like to try do one I think they are cute. It's very windy here today...cold...burr...24 degrees F. It's gusty and ugly out. Hubby had to go out and fix our garland over our front door it was going down from the wind. Well, I better get lunch for hubby and then I have to figure out what I am posting on for today. Hope you have a nice day!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  4. I love the tea cosies, Helen. Your SIL is a clever girl!

  5. Hi Helsie

    Your SIL is very clever indeed - I do wish I could do that!! Love the lawn - looks like you have a fabulous view from your home. Also, referring to your previous post, how fortunate to have all those mangoes on tap, we pay a lot of money for them here and they're either rock hard or horribly soft.

    Kate x

  6. Oh Goodness, Helen what a beautiful home you have. It looks absolutely beautful. Everything is so neat and perfect! What a wonderful location. Those tea cozies too are simply wonderful. I love them all. Isn't she clever, my goodness I shall be dreaming about everything now I'm off to bed at last, late again. Hubby will be coming down again, wondering where I am 'Not again' he'll say. Gosh 1.20 am bye,
    Hugs and Love Sue x

  7. Hi there! Those are gorgeous tea cozies! Your sister did a wonderful job of them!
    You have a great blog, and this background is lovely, too. I may have to borrow the shamrocks. :)
