Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hope you all have had a fun weekend and that the weather has been kind. It has been fine and hot ( 35 C ) here today and I have not ventured far from the air-con.

Can you guess what's in this bag?

Or in this one?

Those brown seats are the waiting area here .

Yes, you're quite right we are off on another excursion on the Citycat.

And in those bags? Why our picnic and drinks of course.

First we'll have to look on the map to see where we are going.

At the start of our journey we are at the bottom left hand end of the river - at the Queensland University - and we are travelling to the top right hand end of the river ( in Zone 2 ) to Newfarm Park.

We're off to the Moonlight Movies !
Our tickets were a Christmas gift from our son and his partner.
We'd never heard of them before.
You take a picnic tea,
Set yourself up with hired beanbags for comfort....
and when it's dark enough ( around 7:30 ) the movie starts!

So off we set along the river .
We love to travel on these fantastic catamarans as they speed along the river towards the city.

Our river is about 300m wide and it  snakes it's way toward the city.

After about 20 minutes we arrived at Newfarm Park and walked to the corner of the park that is fenced off for the movies.

The "screen" is hung on the side of a building !

Everyone was getting organised on their rugs. There was some sort of special "seating " in the middle.

It didn't take us long to get settled . See the beanbag things you hire to rest against while you watch the movie?

Can you spot Tony?

Here he is !

We quickly started our picnic as the light was beginning to fade.

Everyone settled down to watch the movie. A pleasant breeze kept the mozzies away.

The movie was 2012 - about how the world was supposed to end in December 2012.
Quite entertaining without being great .

Then when it all finished we packed up and walked back to the ferry.

Our city looks lovely from the river at night so the ferry ride home was delightful.

Thanks Brett and Sarah we had a lovely night .



  1. Hi Helsie,
    What a delightful evening! Nothing beats lying out under the stars and enjoying a movie and boat ride home. It's rainy and dark here today. We had to turn the lights on during the day it is so dark. Hubby and I were down in our unfinished basement area today reorganizing. We moved all our Christmas stuff under the stairwell. We were so pleased it all fit. We are slowly going through stuff to see what we need to throw out, give away to friends or family and/or give to Goodwill. Hubby wants to claim some of the unfinished area for his toy train hobby. It's a slow process. But if we do a little here and there it will slowly get done. Well, off to have a nice hot cup of tea and relax the rest of the day. Bye!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Hi Helen
    Never knew Brissie had a ferry service! Should of expected it with the rivers, just never thought of it. Will definitely put that in our plans when we are next up there - hopefully November for the Test Cricket.
    Hubby and I love doing the Sydney ferry trips too!
    Thanks for the tip, will go look for more info on them.
    Also love watching the movies in the open. We did it in Broome!!!

  3. Ooh Helen that looks such fun! wish we had that over here and could rely on the right weather to go with it!

  4. Looks great fun. Wish we could have that but it would only rain.
    Do you have those drive-ins, where you watch from your car? I always wonder how you hear the sound from your car. Maybe you have to sit with the windows open?

  5. looks like such a wonderful time!

  6. OMG! What a wicked Evening Helen!
    How lovely to do something like this.
    The bridge looks fantastic all lit up like this too.
    Thats a great shot of you too. It looks as though you have a good spot there.
    I'm pleased you had a good night out.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  7. What a brilliant idea, not to mention a fabulous present, aren't you lucky? (When I saw the bags, I thought you'd been collecting cane toads!!)

  8. Hi there! What a lovely and unusual Christmas present. I almost felt I was on the journey with you. The city does look very beautiful at night. Enjoy the rest of your week! Ros

  9. What a fantastic Christmas gift. Looks like you had fun. We went to an open air screening to see The Duchess - it was freezing (even though it was August) and we were wrapped up in rugs and blankets!

    Your moonlight Movie looks much more enjoyable on such a warm evening. I did wonder what the bags were for at first!!


  10. What a delightful evening you all had. Looks like you are getting the hang of just taking a lot of pictures where ever you go. Great posting. Love as always to see the sun and water. The music is on it's way....
