Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well hello my Blogland friends. I've been away for a few days WITHOUT a computer and how I've missed you all.
Since I've been home I've done a very quick flying visit to all your blogs to catch up with all your news and I will return over the weekend to have a chat with you all when I have more time.

And where was I and what was I up to ?

It was all on account of this fellow.

My dear old DAD !

It was his birthday.

88 years young !

The family gathered for a birthday BBQ at Hervey Bay where Mum and Dad live in a lovely retirement village.


  Then there was a birthday cake.

 Rocky Road Ice-Cream Cake !


Happy 88th Birthday DAD


  1. How lovely Helen! Your Mum and Dad look great bless them - they are so precious I lost my Dad five years ago and miss him every day! The ice cream cake looks scrummy do you make it or buy it - looks lovely. Have a great day ** Kim x

  2. I thought you were quiet!
    Aww.... bless 'im! Bless 'em!

    LOVE the cake!!!! Wonder if it's worth me having the recipe in case it's ever warm enough to eat it. It's certainly cold enough to keep it!
    Love the look of that barbie too!

  3. My goodness, he is looking great for 88 ! You Ozzies certainly know how to celebrate!!

  4. Amazing, your dad looks great. All that steak and sweets and he is 88. WOW.... Guess what I'm having for dinner. Forget the number... It's grillin time here.

    So glad to hear you had such a nice visit.

    Have a great weekend,

  5. Looks you've all had a lovely time! That Rocky Road looks yummy! Enjoy your weekend. Ros

  6. I'm sending Happy Birthday wishes to your Dad Helsie! My Dad would have been 89 years old in 2010 but I lost him in 1994 (just three years after my Mom passed). You are very lucky and blessed to have your Mom and Dad with you. Your Dad looks like a real sweetie!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)
