Thursday, January 14, 2010


Because it is the end of the school year and Christmas AND Summer here, we have our long summer school holidays.
That means all the movies on in the theatres are directed at KIDS!
But after Boxing Day the new releases start and before long we have lots of new movies to choose from.

LOVE  movies don't you ?
Especially on the big screen at the movie theatre where the sound is loud .....

and there are no stops for making cups of tea.....

 or phones ringing to interrupt you .....

or people asking you questions ....

or discussing what is happening tomorrow...

and you can concentrate and ENJOY the movie .

On Thursday we went to see this one

We really enjoyed it .

 Had lots of  laughs.

Merryl Streep playing another comedy role.

The whole picture ( movie ) theatre roared laughing in some parts.

Not really complicated at all - just funny!



  1. It looks a fun film Helen, its being advertised over here at the moment - I love going to the movies but am rubbish at organising it - so usually end up watching on DVD which as you say isnt quite as good. Last movie I saw at the cinema was Slumdog Millionaire which was this time last year! which was BRILLIANT on the big screen. Have a good day Kim x

  2. Ooh!, this sounds good Helen. I don't go to the cinema really, so it will probably be a DVD for me too! Last movie I saw? I know it was a horror, can't remember the name just now. Must have been good ....
    Hugs and Love Suex

  3. Cinemas are long since a thing of the past for us - paying a babysitter to go see a film doesn't seem right somehow so we go down the DVD route too. We do go and see films with the children though, luckily they're really good these days (the films).

    Good old Meryl, I loved her in Mamma Mia. Alec Baldwin's brother (Stephen) is in Celebrity Big Brother here at the moment (oops, probably shouldn't have let on I know that!).


  4. Love going to the movies, just normally don't like it in school holidays or wet weekends with kids. I like to hear and see what I paid for - sometimes they are just too noisy to do that.
    Went and saw Avatar 3d - Wow its fantastic and morally sound - not what I expected

    Love Meryl Streep so will check out this one too

  5. Hello Helsie, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    I really want to see this film - hopefully at the weekend. It looks great and anything with Meryl in it has to be great!

    Off now to have a look around your lovely blog - love the title!


  6. It's on our list, that's for sure. We really do have to take the time and get out of the house and head to the theaters. Besides, the popcorn is much better there and what we do here.

    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Kate

  7. This looks like a good film to see. Meryl Streep is such a versatile actress. Thanks for the recommendation.
