Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This blogging world is great isn't it?
Today ( well it's actually night time here ! ) I've been flying around the world visiting all my bloggy pals and reading about their lives and what they are doing today.
Sometimes I leave a little message, sometimes I decide to go back later when I have more time to "talk".
So when I visited Kate's lovely blog Railway Cottage and read about her "English Paper Piecing" it inspired me to share a project that I have been working on for more than a year.
Actually I think I started it at the beginning of 2008 but I pick it up and put it down - it's a bit of an aimless, meandering project I have to say.
It 's a quilt-as-you-go  hexagon quilty thing.
I don't know how big it's going to end up.
I don't know whether it will be square or rectangular or maybe even roundish.
This is how you do it .

You start off with a hexagon of backing material that blends well with all the other materials you have .

Each side measures about 2 inches so it is quite big.

On it you place a piece of wadding that is about half an inch smaller all round .

On top of that you place another piece of material of the same size from your stash  for this project.

Then fold the edges over and pin them.

When you have a stash of these ready to go you can settle yourself down to watchTV, or whatever takes your fancy and neatly stitch them down.

Steps 1 to 4

When you have a big stash of these you simply fold them right sides facing and sew them together in any pattern you desire.

Perhaps like this

or like this ...

.... until you have a completely finished quilt of the required size!

As you can see I've not decided yet but I think I'll go the random way. It's easier.

I have about 100 now but I'll just keep on until the backing is all used up and I'll work it out then.



  1. Hi Helen, I will give these a go they are great to do in front of the telly - I am always on the look out for trying new things. I just visited Kaths blog and its great so I will pop over there again - Thanks and have a great day. Kimx

  2. Hallo Helen,
    As i am a bloggerfriend of Kath a came across your blog...and what a wunderful one it is...thank you very much for the tutorial....nerver tryed to do the hexies like that...i like the looks of the randomway...and the colors and fabric you used...i made myself a follower of your blog if you dont mind so i dont have to miss out on anything you post...
    greetings from a very snowy Netherlands...Francien.

  3. Love Hexagons, except I prefer to crochet them :-)
    Love to see the progress of this quilt. I really would like to find the time to do one, one day. You may be my inspiration with this simple one

  4. Hello there! Your quilt is beautiful. I just love the colours. I think 'random' looks great. Thanks for the tutorial. You may have tempted me to have a first go. I have a small selection of Amy Butler fabrics sitting in a corner waiting to be used. You may have given me a purpose for them. Ros

  5. Just think. I step away for a day and almost missed this one. Love it. How do you get those corners to straight and tight. You must have a ton more patience than I. You color palette is wonderful. Great job on your first tutorial. Isn't it fun to take pictures as you go along.

    Off to bed to have a night of sweet dreams now.

    Kate- The Garden Bell
