Monday, December 21, 2009


Remember this from my post yesterday?

Well  we LOVED it !

It is now down on the list of family favourites.

Glad to see that Santa is resting up in preparation for his big night.
Only 4 sleeps to go.


  1. Yum..... but how did you get this pan clean. Hope you know the soaking in dishwasher soap trick. Heading off to have a look at the recipe now.

  2. Hi Helsie!
    Thanks for stopping by today. Calicarpa the bush. Now i may have spelt that wrong. It's one of my mom's favourites purple again! I told everyone how she loves purple! That dish looks so yummy! Glad you all enjoyed it.
    It's snowing really bad in London, I'm worried about my brother as he is travelling back to Birmingham.He's an Electrician and works down there alot. But there are a lot of people unable to get home. Oh, I do wish it would go...away!
    Chat soon, hope you are okay today!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  3. Hello Helsie! Thankyou for visiting my Blog and leaving me a comment. I thought I would come over from snowy England to get some Aussie sunshine! Nice to meet you, Kath
