Monday, December 21, 2009


I'm coming to the end of my Aussie Christmas card collection but I have enjoyed showing them to you . They're all by an artist called Richard Gilbraith.
I love the humour in them all.
I'm keeping a special one till last - for Christmas eve so call back to see it if you can.
My lovely neighbour called with this for me today.

Isn't it great? I love it.
She sewed tiny bells on all the branches.
So then the search was on to find just the right place to hang it.
Here ? Off the Ned Kelly sculpture?

or here on the fridge?

or here in the entry?

I settled for on the fridge where I can see it all the time ( guess I'll be in the kitchen a fair bit in the next few days !)

Thanks Kathy!



  1. Hi Helsie

    Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. I love the Christmas cards you've been posting and your banner is priceless. As for the handmade tree card from your neighbour, that is wonderful and how flattering to have such a piece made just for you. Thank you also for the story about Rudolf, what a sad beginning but the ending is just lovely!

    Merry Hot Christmas
    Kate x

  2. What fun your new Christmas Decor is. I like it everywhere you hung it.

    Now stop making me nervous about only 3 more night... I still have shopping and wrapping to do...... he-he.... chuckle-chuckle.... all I really want to do is blog and visit my new friends....

  3. Me Too! I have to drag myself away from the computer all the time!

  4. I love your present from your neighbour Helsie how lovely for you to receive it! Just popping in to wish you a Happy Christmas - I have tried to stay away from my computer - but it has lured me back this evening!! Have fun Kim x

  5. Hi Helsie,
    Your Christmas tree decoration gift is lovely! It looks good everywhere. Hubby and I have packed our car today for our trip to see family over Christmas. It's a pretty tight fit mainly because we are taking our old 27 inch box TV back to give to my brother. We were so glad to get it done early so we could relax before our long drive tomorrow. We take our laptops with us but I'm not sure how much posting I will get done over Christmas. I have one more thing to do tonight and then I am done. Hope I sleep ok tonight. If not, I can sleep in the car tomorrow. Have a very Merry Christmas my new friend!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  6. You know Helsie, as I read your post, I said to myself that I like it on the fridge. Both caused it looked good and because I would see it - seems you had the same thought. Hubby loves Ned Kelly too. Merry Xmas to you and your family

  7. Hello Helsie,
    I must say I have really enjoyed looking at these cards. They are so cool.
    Now the Christmas tree, I think you have found the perfect place. It's absolutely beautiful. How kind of your neighbour!
    Time is certainly approaching, it will be here before we know it now!

    Now honestly, who can stay away from the computer over Christmas? I'll be certainly getting on as much as I can. Lets just hope everyone have had lap tops! ha.ha. I bet Santas sack will be weighing pretty heavy this year. Keep us bloggers happy!
    I'll try and pop back Christmas Eve Helsie,
    have a nice time,
    Hugs and Love, and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog over the past few months.
