Friday, December 25, 2009


It 's Boxing Day here in sunny Brisbane but there's no sun !
Our christmas present was rain. Lovely rain.
No, not the usual tropical summer storm with thunder and lightning and an inch of rain in half an hour.
Lovely steady cool rain !!

For the first time in memory our Christmas Day was wet........

and warm..

not hot and sticky...

just pleasantly WARM ..

Yipee !!!

SO it's a lazy, lie around the house and eat left-overs day in this house today.

We really don't need to eat at all today after the feasting that went on yesterday but the leftovers will beckon throughout the day and we'll nibble as we feel the urge.
Stop playing with new ipods,
.... reading new books,
... trying on new clothes
..... and admiring new things that now adorn our house and nibble a little more delightful Christmas food.

And outside the lovely rain continues to fall, sometimes lightly, sometimes heavily....
Lovely , welcome RAIN.


I haven't told you before about my SIL.
She's one very talented lady.
Artistic you know ?
Knows all about colours...
what goes with what...
how to put them together ....
like Lucy at Attic24....
and she makes things .... knits, crochets,...
and works with mosaics..
and this is what she made me for Christmas.

Isn't it gorgeous ? I love, LOve, loVE  it !

It's in my favourite colours - blue and lemon....

It looks lovely in my bedroom.
Just waiting for me to finish my new blue and lemon patchwork quilt.

I'll show you more of her wonderful mosaic work tomorrow .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks sweetie for sharing you new birdie house. So nice to see some color. On top of the Ice Storm on Christmas Eve, we are digging out of 12 inches of new snow today.... We try to get a post up soon. So, glad to hear you had a wonderfully relaxing day.

    Hugs, Kate - The Garden Bell
