Saturday, December 26, 2009


Thought I would include a few photos of the celebrations at Mount Tamborine on Christmas Day before I go any further.

SIL Roe is a pink lady so her beautiful little house is filled with pink things.

Table all set and ready to go.

The hungry hoards attack the buffet....

..... forming a queue that snaked through the kitchen !

Let the feasting begin !

Thanks to our terrific hosts, Roe and Pete.

Since I visited my SIL on Christmas Day I thought I  you might be interested in some examples of her mosaics.
She loves little bird houses and has quite a collection of them. (and lucky me has one of her own now !!)

I love this little one that looks like a church.

Notice all the tiny ornaments she decorates them with.

This pretty stand is beside her front door.

She scours markets, garage sales and op shops for the plates she uses and the ornaments to decorate them.
Within her little arty community at Tamborine Mountain her friends know that if they break a piece of china they just save it for her.
She will often open her front gate and find a pretty chipped plate or china ornament which has been broken propped against it.

But bird houses are not the only thing she does in mosaics.

a shelf to hold a plant ....

...or a pretty wall plaque....

and her latest is this whimsical hanging "basket".

Want a closer look?

It 's made of all the scraps - cup handles and all !

Next she's starting on a bird bath.
Can't wait to see it!



  1. I just love these photos. I'm amazed at the clothes in December. Hope you have had a good time and you're soon be back blogging with us. Just waiting for Kim to surface, we'll all be back together soon. I've been getting withdrawal symptoms I've had to come back on line. Had a nice time with your daughter I hope?
    Hugs and Love Suex
    I just love these mosaics. She's very talented. I would love something so beautiful as them, they really are so pretty.

  2. I found your blog via one of the comments on our Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog. When I saw you were heading to the beach I wondered if you were "Down Under" I love your blog layout - the swirls remind me of a scrapbook page.
    I just wanted to comment on that most unique and lovely hanging basket container made by your SIL. Please tell her that it is absolutely gorgeous. She is obviously very creative.
    Happy New Year from "Up Ontop"

  3. It's interesting to see the Christmas table looking so much like a British one. it doesn't look as though you ate turkey with all the trimmings though.
