Friday, December 25, 2009


Oh what a lovey Christmas feast we've had.
We did ourselves proud on Christmas Day.
A lovely cold buffet lunch where everyone contributed their specialties.

We had ham - glazed on the BBQ with a lovely marmalade and mustard glaze.

and a huge range of lovely salads.

There was ...
tossed lettuce salad

rice salad....

my new kumera and noodle salad

cous cous and  roasted vegetable salad


potato salad

and chicken

Then came dessert......

ice - cream  Christmas pudding...

Steamed Christmas pudding ....

and trifle with mango ...

! ! ! ! ! !    

Not to mention Fruit Mince pies, Christmas cake, and chocolates galore.

We really won't need to eat for a week.

But I bet we do !


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