Tuesday, April 28, 2020


How wonderful is this outfit ?

It's one clever person's take on providing themselves with an outfit to ensure that they are safe from those awful Covid19 germs when they go out into the dangerous world to do their shopping.

The spiderweb skirt ensures that people  are kept at a safe distance...

( Is that a look of envy on that biker's face?)

though it does have certain drawbacks !

The face mask gives good protection to the face and eyes and also ensures that hands cannot come in contact with mouth, nose and eyes....

And those gloves  !

This pandemic is certainly bringing out all sorts of creativity.


I have stolen all of these photos from Facebook.


  1. I can just imagine the stir I would cause wearing that to my local supermarket! I cause enough of a stir now without adding to it! :)

    I keep telling everyone this is my face...not a mask!!!! I should hire myself out at Halloween! :)

    Good to "see" you, Helsie...take good care. :)
