Monday, April 27, 2020


Some good must come from the Covid19 pandemic

Seen on Facebook and too good not to share !


  1. Well! Well! It's about time you came back out of hiding, Helsie!! :)

    I believe good will come out of all of this...for one thing...the "Me-Me" society...way of thinking, hopefully will be a thing of the past!

    Take care, Helsie...I hope all is well with you and your loved ones. It's good to "see" you! :)

  2. Lovely to see you back. It never was the teachers fault was it?! Let's hope they will now allow good teachers to teach their students as they see fit in ways that will not fit the various tests teachers have been spending so much time on dealing with but to tailor the teaching to the students and their own knowledge of what is needed.

  3. I too think people will change because of this pandemic. Maybe not in a big way and possibly only the people who were on the right track anyway. Many people are doing good things but there are plenty who just want their old life back and are starting to get restless, why can't we have this that and the other now, why can't more people get out and work to provide for us, I don't like that attitude.
