Tuesday, April 28, 2020


How wonderful is this outfit ?

It's one clever person's take on providing themselves with an outfit to ensure that they are safe from those awful Covid19 germs when they go out into the dangerous world to do their shopping.

The spiderweb skirt ensures that people  are kept at a safe distance...

( Is that a look of envy on that biker's face?)

though it does have certain drawbacks !

The face mask gives good protection to the face and eyes and also ensures that hands cannot come in contact with mouth, nose and eyes....

And those gloves  !

This pandemic is certainly bringing out all sorts of creativity.


I have stolen all of these photos from Facebook.

Monday, April 27, 2020


Some good must come from the Covid19 pandemic

Seen on Facebook and too good not to share !


Like the rest of the world  we have been locked down at home during this world wide pandemic caused by the Covid19 virus.

No visits from friends or family, 

no outings to the city or shops,

 no visits to cafes or restaurants ,

no haircuts , perms or hair colours to hide the greys!!!!

no visits to elderly relatives in Aged Care Facilities.

Luckily , I can add to that,    no sickness .

It seems that all of that and the actions of our government in closing our borders to the world have finally started working and the outbreak in Australia has been contained and not developed to the awful stages in has in many other countries.
We are still locked in our homes but there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel and some restrictions will soon be eased .

In the meantime during the last 8 weeks of lockdown we have cleaned  and cleaned and cleaned this house.
Boy, did it need it !
The back of cupboards that have not seen the light of day for more than ten years has been exposed and washed down, linen cupboards have been tidied, old blankets cleared out to new homes where they will be needed in the coming colder months and the floor in these cupboards  - oh my  did they need a clean up!
 Dust, dust, dust like I have never seen before !!!

Anyhow it's been done and it is all sparkling now !

Added to this Tony was in the throes of renovating the two back bedrooms
and they have now been completed with paint refreshed, new carpets, beds and bedding and windows that slide properly.

Lovely .

It seems that all plans for this lovely holiday to see the Northern Lights will have to be cancelled. 

Such a shame but the finances have taken a considerable hit and travel is out of the question until the world is safer and a vaccine for this awful disease has been found.

So what else have I been doing?

I've been clearing out my stash of yarn.....
all those bits and pieces left over from other  past projects.

I made a vow not to order any more online and just try to do something with what I had.
This is what I have come up with so far.

It became quite difficult towards the end when I didn't have enough of a colour to get all the way around and would have to join in a colour that was not the same so I called it  day.

It has ended up a good size though and nice and bright and will be well received in front of the tv in the coming months.

My next project is now on the go.

Here is the palette.
I've since added a couple of tiny bits of a darker blue and brighter pink 
and I've got rid of the little bit of grey (I think ??)

That's it !
Hope there will be enough there to come up with something pretty.

I'm off to a good start.
