Wednesday, November 7, 2018


After a wonderful week in Grassington we moved on to Whitby.

Of course the draw to visit was its tie with Captain Cook.

 We rented an old fisherman's cottage right in the middle of the Old Town just in from the beach you can see in these two photos.

The previous two photos were taken from the other side of the inlet near these whale bones - a popular spot with terrific views …..

in both directions.

And here's a replica of Captain Cook's  ship "Endeavour"

Not full size so tinier than what to us was a small ship anyway to venture across such dangerous seas.

From Whitby we visited Castle Howard - very impressive

with lovely gardens though it was a very windy , freezing day which didn't encourage much exploration.

On another day we walked along the coastal path to Robin Hood's Bay.
First we climbed to the majestic Abbey ruins then starting off where you see that signpost in the photo below.

Six to seven miles along the cliff tops

on a clearly made and well maintained path with wonderful views.

Do you like Tony's new hat? 
He wore it every day from then on.
 He thought it made him look like a local !!

This was our reward at the end of the walk - the prettiest pub beer garden with a wonderful view.

The township of Robin hood's Bay was directly below - one road winding in and out .

Thankfully there is a bus to take you back to Whitby - a hugely overpriced tourist trap but this girl wasn't walking another 7 miles back !!!



  1. Whitby is on our “must visit”list.If you can do it so can we!!!!Super photos.

    1. We were keen to see the east coast as it was a part of England we had not seen and of course we probably wouldn't haave chosen Whitby if it wasn't for the tie to Captain Cook. Interesting but a week would have been too long if it wasn't for the Goths.

  2. Whitby is only about a two hour drive from our new home. We really ought to make a visit.

    1. We were there on the Goth Weekend - a Bank Holiday weekend at the end of April and that provided a lot of entertainment for us. Never seen anything like the costumes that were paraded over the three days.

  3. An interesting trip, Helsie...with ties to our home country.

    To travel the high seas, to strange lands took bravery far greater than I have...particularly in the ships of those times. It's so difficult to imagine...but we know it occurred!

    1. Heartily agree Lee, they were very brave indeed !
