Thursday, October 18, 2018


                                           Our lovely week came to an end all too soon.

I had read that the Craven Arms in Appletreewick 
( pronounced Ap-wick by the locals !) 
was a good place to eat so on our last day we set off to find it through more glorious countryside

and of course there were daffodils along the way.

The Craven Arms was easy to find

perched along the side of the road in what looked like the middle of nowhere.
No other houses or building except for the farms across the road and in the distance.

I love the way these pubs just crop up like this.

Warm and welcoming inside with a buzz of conversation and a glowing fire to take the chill out of the air

There were plenty of others there, most of them locals meeting for lunch or just catching up 

 It's a tiny place with not much room but we managed to secure ourselves a table and order our lunch.

I have to say that my only complaint about these pubs is not the quality of the food but its repetitive nature.
I don't need to read a menu they all have the same items on offer...

*Fish & Chips and Mushy Peas
* Steak & Ale Pie
* Lasagne
* Gammon, Eggs and Chips 
Scampi & chips
and if you are very lucky 
* Sausages and Mash  ( my fav !)

Never-the-less we ordered and were happy with our meals then we went outside to explore.

Inside we had seen a display about the construction of a building called a "Cruck Barn"

 a reasonably new building which is joined on to the rear of the pub building and is used for special occasions such as weddings.

We climbed up to the back car park to get a good view of it from the outside.
Its thatched roof is not made of the usual straw but is bracken I think.
A most unusual building.

Back out the front we came upon the first tree with new leaves we have noticed

and further down the road we saw some more

I love these pretty winding roads 

with more lovely views round every corner

Is it any wonder my heart belongs to Yorkshire ?



  1. You should have let me know you were in Yorkshire this spring I would have popped up to meet you for a hour or two! Xxx

  2. I am going to go back to your other posts very soon. I believe you got here just after "The Beast from the East" struck in the very early spring so the land was still recovering. My favourite picture is the sunlit one with daffodils to the left of the lane where there is also a bush and an old telegraph pole. I hope that Tony didn't bump his head in the pub!

    1. We spent the first two days in 28 degree heat in the Cotswolds then thankfully the weather cooled down again and it was PERFECT. Loved every minute ......even the rain !

  3. My apologies, Helsie....I've only now just caught up with your latest posts! Sorry!

    Wonderful photos...thanks for sharing....I'm going to go back and study them all again in more detail...they're wonderful. :)

  4. Like you Lee I'm trying to catch up. Was a pity we missed YP when we were in Yorkshire but we were a considerable distance from him - about 4 hours - and he was very busy with Ian and Bosh at the time anyway. I hope it won't be my last visit to Yorkshire, I love it there.(in the countryside. not fussed on cities on the whole)

  5. I a a bit confused with daffodils in the photos..Were you here in the Spring?
    I was really pleased,really pleased, to see your comment on my blog.We have been "friends" for years andI have missed you.Barbarax

    1. Yes Barbara we were in Yorkshire in late April/early May before going to northern Ireland for a couple of weeks in a delightful "cottage" on the Causeway Coast. I'm just managing to get to the computer to blog about it. Wonderful holiday ! I don't always comment but always read your blog. nice to hear from you.
