Saturday, May 13, 2017


Off to Hallstat.

On the train from Bad Ischl and it wasn't long before these superb views appeared.

My little point and shoot camera took these photos through glass windows as we sped along. Not bad eh?

Then I spied Hallstatt in the distance on the far side of the lake.

On to the ferry with lovely views all around.

The closer you get, the prettier it looks.

This small village is jammed up against the mountainside.

Ah, there's the famous church!

and there's another one perched high on the hill.

We wandered off in one direction

snapping away in all directions .
Not many tourists today as it is very early in the season. Lots of building and maintenance being done in preparation for the hordes of visitors to come in the warmer weather.

Then back and up

to the other church which had the most wonderful graveyard.
Neat and covered with flowers.

Then further on till we came to a spot to turn around 

and lo and behold there was that famous view !

Now stamped firmly on my memory.



  1. How totally beautiful.I always seeing your beautiful travel pics! Have fun!X

  2. Great photos. I would have enjoyed that train ride.

    1. I am beginning to agree with you about trains. The scenery here is beautiful.

  3. The scenery is amazing. Looks like you're having a great trip.

    1. Yes Sue a photo opportunity at every turn. So different from Australia

  4. Good to get there without hordes of tourists. I hope that Tony has treated himself to some lederhosen and an alpine hat. Other Brisbanians will be so envious when he strolls into your local bar wearing that outfit.

  5. And firmly stamped in mine! Thanks for taking me along on your trip, Helsie! :)
