Sunday, May 14, 2017


St Gilgen - Going up !

We've come to Austria to see mountains so today we set off by ferry to the village at the end of the lake, St Gilgen where there is a chairlift that takes you up to the mountain top.

It's not a very high mountain as mountains go but 1600 metres is ok by us.

The views from the top were tremendous !

Absolutely breath taking. 
I am using the photo as my new header on Facebook. Isn't it fantastic ???

The weather has been very changeable. Probably typical for Spring but the afternoons usually mean sunshine so we've been pretty lucky.

The cameras got a pretty good workout I can tell you !

Walking by the lake

On our previous ferry trip we noticed a walking track a from Furberg to St Gilgen so after a rainy morning we once again caught the ferry towards St Gilgen but got off at Furberg.

The water was still and glassy as we travelled past pretty houses

And trees of glorious colours with wonderful reflections 

Everywhere you look it is all so pretty

We hopped off the ferry at Furberg and set off along the path, water on one side and green, green trees on the other.

Love these green tunnels !

It was Mothers' Day and several groups passed us on their way to lunch at the nice restaurant at Furberg.

A lovely walk. We really enjoyed it .



  1. These photos are stunning. It all looks fabulous.

  2. My little camera is doing well.

    1. What camera have you got Helsie?

    2. Nikon Coolpix 7000
      I'm no photographer Sue. Just point and shoot. Half the time I can't see what I have taken without putting my glasses on. It's a beauty!

  3. Tony looks knackered. Good job you were there to help the old fella along. Wonderful sharp colour in your pictures. The quality of light is superb.

  4. Goodness your photos are beautiful and I enjoyed the more recent post on the Eagle's Nest too.
