Saturday, January 7, 2017


No more crazy resolutions about losing weight for me !

Last night Tony and I went out on the town to celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
We started the night off with these.

They were called a "Chocolate Monk" and a "Kiwi Bikini"

Great names and delicious !

We toasted the last 45 years and sipped the lovely drinks in a cool rooftop bar we have only recently found.

Ummmmmm    de-licious !

That didn't take long to go down !

The view was lovely as the light began to fade and the effects of the cocktail began to take their toll on the photographer (me !)

So .........

My New Year's Resolution is...

to drink more cocktails...

they're fun !



  1. Mine's a martini please. Happy New Year Helsie!

  2. Happy New Year and many congratulations on your 45th Wedding Anniversary, what a lovely way to celebrate.
    I'm so with you on that no more losing weight resolution - I've given up !

  3. Congratulations on your 45th anniversary - it will be ours in June too. I lost a stone in weight last year without even trying but I can't say I'd recommend two eye ops and accompanying stress as a weight loss regime! Cocktails sound much more fun!

    1. Will work on the weight but no more crazy resolutions. This one will be much more fun to keep !

  4. That's a perfect resolution for 2017. Wishing you lots more cocktail drinking! ;-)

  5. Excellent resolution, you almost have me convinced resolutions are worth making. Happy new year and cheers.

    1. Thought I'd try a new approach this year, Jenny.

  6. Congratulations on 45 years of marriage. These days that is a massive achievement. Other cocktails you might try...Hanky-Panky, Sex On The Beach and Orgasm.

    1. Thanks YP. I intend to try lots of different ones throughout the year.

  7. I nearly didnt read this because it said new year resolutions! I am glad I did come back. Happy wedding anniversary. You both look great! Two of my brothers got married in 1972 and marriages are still going strong.xxxx

    1. Much more fun to try this type of resolution Rachel. We oldies have better staying power in the marriage department than today's young ones.

  8. When I was with The Family in New Zealand a year ago I was given the task of producing cocktails for when they got home from work. They seemed to go down well but I never managed to make any that I really liked. So I stick to red wince and the occasional G and T and Cognac (not mixed I hasten to add). I heard on the radio today that one should only make New Year Resolutions that one can actually expect to keep. That probably explains why I've never made one since childhood.

    1. The trouble is, Graham, that you need so many different , e pensive types of alcohol to mix them. I'm going to remedy that situation in the Duty Free Shop on my way home from Paris later this year. I just need to work out the two most versatile mixers.

    2. Yes. I built up a little bank of them but I think it's really something to be done over a long time if one is not to break the bank.
