Monday, December 26, 2016


Well, that's Christmas for another year.
I hope where ever you are you had a lovely day with those you love around you.

Our day started with a visit to Tony's 95 year old mother in the Nursing home.
With the rest of the family away we ( Sally, Tony and I ) took some goodies and champagne and spent a couple of hours with her there.

Nana loves  the sweet stuff so she had a ball.

She also loves animals so Scout came along too.

and so did Sally's new addition....

"Jem "

( there's a little "To Kill a Mockingbird " theme going on here )
More about him another time - 8 weeks old and very cute!

Note to self : Drinking champagne in the middle of the day can be dangerous !

We arrived back home round 1:00pm and all three of us were soon dozing in chairs around the house.

So were the dogs !

Our Christmas Dinner was eaten at night this year and with only the three of us for a change it was very relaxed.
No dressing up in good clothes for us.
Comfortable shorts and t-shirts were the order of the day.

However we did not skimp on the good stuff for dinner.

The ham was the standout.....absolutely delicious.

  and the rest was pretty good too.
( Sorry forgot to take a photo till it was half gone !)

For dessert there was a choice of



Christmas Pud

( this year we had Heston Blumenthal's pudding with a whole candied orange in the centre - O my !

Of course we all had a bit of both !!!

As we say every year - tomorrow the diet begins
( after we've eaten all the leftovers !)



  1. Gorgeous dogs (who can resist a puppy?)and that food looks amazing. Happy Christmas Helsie.

    1. Thanks Sue. You left just at the right time as we are sweltering here now. Hope you are enjoying being home. Happy New Year !

  2. No shorts and t-shrts here but a relaxed threesome like yours. A walk in the afternoon with the Wanderer which proved aerobic for me as she walks much faster than I do when on my own but very enjoyable of course. No Christmas pudding here either since one of us like it! Sun is out this morning but temperature only 6 degrees. Think of you often even though I am seldom in blogland.

    1. We often think of you too Jane. Glad you enjoyed your Christmas too.

  3. Looks like you had a lovely time

    Julie xxx

  4. Sounds like you had a great time,very relaxed ,as it should be.All the best for Barbarax

    1. Thanks Barbara. Hope you have a great New Year.

  5. Just spotted your latest post, Helsie.
    The dogs are beautiful - especially the little pup - what a scene stealer. The food looks fantastic - that's what I call a Christmas feast !

  6. Many thanks. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas and are looking forward to 3017....and the puppy is delightful !

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful day all 'round. Scout and Jem are beautiful. You've got to wean them off the champagne, though, or they'll be expecting some every day! :)

    I hope 2017 treats you and your family kindly, Helsie. Best New Year wishes to you. :)

    1. Thanks Lee, the same to you. Hope you've been coping alright with the heat?

  8. When you referred to a "new addition" I thought that Brett and Sarah might have announced that a baby was on the way. Instead it was a puppy - albeit a cute one. Sounds like you had a good, stress-free Christmas Day.

    Happy New Year to you and the big fellow!

  9. Thanks YP. No sign of any grandchildren. By the time they arrive I'll be too old to be trusted to pick them up !! Just grandma to a couple of Border Collies it seems!
