Monday, October 31, 2016


Spring has been a pretty dull affair here in our suburb of Brisbane.
No decent rain for ages means lawns everywhere are brown unless devoted watering has taken place.

But as we move into November pops of purple appear all over Brisbane as the lovely Jacarandas burst into flower.

On Sunday the weather was great for an outing along the river to see some of these lovely trees around the city.
As usual we used the City Cat ferries to view the trees along the river.

There were plenty to see lining the river all the way into the city.

I'm so glad parks planners had the foresight to plant these lovely trees in all the parks.

The really good specimens have dropped all their leaves in the preceding weeks and are completely covered with flowers.

We moved from the ferry to walk along the riverside walkway under the trees?

We weren't the only ones out enjoying the day.

What a delightful place. When I win the lottery I might buy one of these units !

We found a lovely spot along our walk for lunch.

Breezes from the river kept the temperature pleasant and we could have sat there for quite a while but there were more trees to see on the other side of the river so we moved on...... 

And there were plenty there too.

People were out everywhere enjoying the weather.

Some doing some very odd activities !

Then it was time for a final coffee before setting out for home.

Another lovely day in our lovely city.

Cheers !


  1. I love jacaradas. They've been pretty slow getting off the mark up here on the hill, but I noticed yesterday when I was out and about that they've finally started to get their act together!

    When I go out next I expect the trees will be in full array. Wonderful! :)

  2. Oh those Jacarandas! Everywhere looks so beautiful. Love seeing your Spring photos, as we move relentlessly into Autumn. Have a good week! Ros

  3. They are a lovely splash of colour Ros.
