Thursday, October 6, 2016


Making the decision to study Animal Physiotherapy has been a huge one for Sally. 
She has worked hard to reach the high level of expertise she now possesses in human physiotherapy (her forte is cardio-thoracic and Intensive care physiotherapy ) and has willingly passed on her knowledge to many students and junior physios she has mentored.
Changing to Animal Physiotherapy involves enrolling in a Masters course at Liverpool University in England as Australia does not have a degree in Animal Physiotherapy at this time. Nor does New Zealand. This means that most of the course is done online with some compulsory time live-in in Liverpool too. A very expensive exercise !

Of course she needs to work to support herself and finance all of this too.
Luckily she has a friend who has an Animal Physiotherapy Practice who mentors her and provides her with practical training.

Recently Sally organised a workshop where a number of students were instructed in hands-on physio techniques. A large number of docile "patients"  were recruited from friends in the doggy world. 
Above and below you can see Scout taking a starring role with a rather aristocratic friend waiting her turn !

It seems that these days people tend to treat their animals with surgery and physio where one they would have been put to sleep or left to carry injuries dosed up on pain killers.

Massage and guided exercise seems to be very similar to the way humans are treated

And the animals don't seem to mind it a bit.

Acupuncture is also a valuable tool in dealing with pain issues and the animals often dose off when being treated.( look closely and you'll see the needles below )

Sally is now treating a few patients of her own ( under guidance of course ) and enjoying it all immensely.

The dog below had a stroke and was completely paralysed only a few weeks ago. His owners are delighted with his progress.

Finally it is all settling into place. 
Sally and Scout have moved from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast to be close to the Animal Physiotherapy Practice where she now works part time. She also works at a hospital nearby and her life is very busy with work and study. Her aim is to divide her working time between dogs and humans.

Scout is happy. She has a new beach to explore.

As long as she has waves to catch,

cool water to swim

And Sally nearby she's happy !



  1. Sally must have a lot of drive and energy as well as enormous fondness for dogs. I would be very apprehensive in case they bit me. Did you and Big Tony visit Liverpool during one of your British holidays? It is an interesting city...but definitely not Paris.

    1. We spent a day in the Maritime Museum in Liverpool on our last visit YP. Very interesting and walking around the old wharves etc was interesting too. My cousin's husband is a retired sea Captain so we did not stray far from the port area. When we were having lunch at a café nearby two young men sat nearby speaking in a foreign language.I strained to work out what it was with no success only to find out later it was Scouse ( don't know if that's how you spell it??)

    2. It is spelt with an i followed by a t.

      But you got "scouse" right.

  2. Last week I was wondering how Sally's studies were going when you were thinking of things to blog about. How sad for the owners of the stroke victim.

    1. Once the dog with the stroke would have been put to sleep but these days they try to rehabilitate dogs with strokes as they do human stroke victims. People are prepared to spend big dollars on their pets - helped on by the arrival of medical insurance for animals I suspect !!
      PS. How's work going, the end of the year is fast approaching so I imagine you are flat out??

  3. How fulfilling that must be...good on Sally. Wonderful! :)

    Scout is a beautiful dog. Footrot would be smitten! :)

  4. What a wonderful and rewarding occupation. Our pets deserve the best treatment.

  5. What a beautiful post! Scout is one beautiful dog! Sounds like the perfect mix, practising physic on both humans and animals. Such gorgeous beaches! x
