Friday, June 10, 2016


Yesterday, the opportunity to play ladies presented itself so of course I leapt at the chance.
The occasion was the birthday of one of my sisters-in-law. 

It wasn't a momentous birthday, just your run of the mill getting a year older type of birthday
but as she pointed out we never know how many more of these we are going to get so its a good idea to celebrate them as they come along.

SIL lives an hour and a half away on pretty Tamborine Mountain where she takes great pleasure in participating in lots of arty/crafty pursuits and enjoys the lifestyle and especially the cooler climate that comes with a small increase in altitude.

High Tea was the order of the day and the venue was a small cafe tucked away in a tiny shopping centre away from the touristy centre called Gallery Walk.

This little business venture is called "Sweet & Petite" and is soooo pretty.

Pink and white is the order of the day

with pink roses adorning everything.

Including the sugar cubes !

Hand made napkin rings add bling and all the China is dainty and again adorned with pink roses.

and then there is the food !
The above  three tiered dish was supplied for every two people.
Dainty ribbon sandwiches, mini savoury muffins, scones with jam and cream and finished of with two devine little cakes.

Absolutely delightful !



  1. Nice day out for the ladies even if you did get lost coming home !

  2. Gorgeous table settings. Love the concept. Tony letting the cat out of the bag there .. Haha

    1. Tony's just md we wouldn't let him come Carol !

  3. How lovely.Too good to eat!Barbarax

    1. Yes, it was pretty Barbara ... but that didn't stop me !

  4. That looks so good. I will have to try to remember this place, next time at Mt Tamborine.

    1. Sadly they are closing the doors at the end of the month Marg. Too out of the way to attract customers !

  5. Sorry....I'm lagging behind in reading blogs, but I am catching up, slowly but surely.

    It looks all so pretty and so very delicious. I've not been there but friends of mine have.

    What a shame they're closing up. Perhaps not enough people are seeking such petite dainty pleasures these days...more's the pity.

    1. I bet that if Lee took over the joint it would be a roaring success but I doubt that there'd be dainty little pink roses on the sugar cubes. However, the three tiered dish looked truly scrumptious.

  6. Oh my goodness! I'm sitting in my chair sipping hot lemonade as I've come down with a horrid cold and now, all I can think about is that three-tiered tray of all those scrumptious looking goodies!!

    1. Well I have a horrid cold too so I'm in complete sympathy with you !
