Friday, December 18, 2015

Aussie Christmas Poem

Tonight was a pleasant warm ( not hot ) night so we decided to go into the city to see the Christmas procession and the tree and light display in the city square.

So did everyone else who lives in Brisbane !

They all decided to have dinner in town too !

Then we waited about an hour for a City Cat ferry to go home.

Been there , done that !

Roll on Christmas


  1. Cool poem. I like it very much! My friend, a writer at essay-writer-club says that this poem is really good, and the one who has written it is highly talented.

  2. Full marks to you for making the effort Helsie. Is Christmas at your place this year?

    1. One at Hervey Bay with my parents and then another on the following Sunday in Brisbane with Tony's family Carol. Not bad for someone who doesn't really enjoy Christmas ( too hot for me to be bothered !!)How about you, seeing family or a quiet one for two ?

    2. Yes a quiet one for us .. It is just another day with the addition of some special foods to eat over the holiday period. Family is all down your way, so we are spared the expense and the fuss thank goodness.

  3. Love the poem.Oh for some warm weather.It has been very mild here so far this winter but wet, wet wet!!

    1. Just proves we are never satisfied BeeJay, I;m longing for cold and I don't mind wet either !! Hope you have a Merry Christmas !

  4. Great poem....I think I'll stay at home and watch the crowds via my TV. :)

    I'll be watching Carols in the Domain tonight...that is the beginning of bringing it home to me that Christmas is only six sleeps away! Arrrrggggh!!! :)

  5. The crowds were awful Lee but I suppose it is nice to see everyone out enjoying our lovely town, ... er city !! Yes, it sort of creeps up on you in the end doesn't it?

  6. The poem refers to thongs instead of fur-lined boots. Any chance of a photo of you and Tony in your thongs? This will brighten up everybody's Christmas.

  7. That's a great poem! Now when are we going to see pictures of you and Tony in your thongs?! Have a great Christmas both.
    I have posted on Ciaochicken today.
