Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Well that's Christmas over for another year !
It's been a very busy one this year.

Tony's mother did not come home for Christmas this year for the first time
But the family visited her on Christmas morning for presents and Christmas nibbles. 

Meanwhile we whipped up to Hervey Bay for Christmas in the Retirement Village with my Mum and Dad and brother.
You can see from these photos that our family are very partial to silly hats at Christmas time !

Chicken, ham and all the trimmings despite the 30 degree heat.

And Plum pudding and trifle for dessert !

Two days later we were back in Brisbane and lining up to do it all again with Tony's side of the family.

This time it was Turkey cooked on the BBQ.

With leg ham and lots of lovely salads.
Brett and Sarah joined us from Sydney.

 It was so nice to have all the family together for Christmas again, the first time in several years.

You'll notice there are silly hats once again.

More wonderful food followed by spectacular desserts

some cold and some hot !

There was plenty of this

Which led to more silly hats ! !

All in all it was a very good Christmas.

Hope yours was too.



  1. Some great photos there Helsie. Plus some nice looking food. Nice to have the whole family home. Best wished for the New Year.

  2. Looks fun - total opposite to ours when we were just the two of us and it was very quiet! We enjoyed it though but it would have been nice to see the sunshine instead of the greyness and rain!! Best wishes for a very Happy New Year to you all.

  3. looks like you had a great time with both sides of the family.Precious times.
    health and happiness for 2016.Love Barbara

  4. From all appearances you had a very enjoyable, happy Christmas with family and loved ones, Helsie. That's great. :)

    Mine was spent very choice. I went the cold route and had seafood...lots of it. I also had a half leg of ham but by Tuesday I was already sick to death of it, even though I'd cut into it for the first time on Sunday! So I sliced of portions and froze them; and then turned the rest into a cauldron of pea and ham soup. I froze some of that, also!

    I had more than enough food to feed the whole of Tamborine Mountain. And I'm sure I've enough still to see me through to Easter and beyond!!! I never learn!

    Happy New Year! :)

  5. Hello dear, there is nothing better than a dinner with all your loved friends and family! It looks like a fabulous time you had! A nice event venue for celebration and one can't get better than that.
