Friday, October 9, 2015


First comes the pesky packing part. 
One suitcase of clean clothes,
one suitcase of stuff that didn't get washed !

Jam it all in. 
Who cares now we are on our way home ?

Then off we set to stroll the streets of the Marais district where we are beginning to feel right at home.

There's always something new to find around every corner.

Today we headed towards the well known Place des Voges which we have not visited before even though it is just down the end of the street ( sort of ).

Past lots of interesting shops 

and cafes

and through open gates 

we stumbled onto several lovely little gardens 

Like the Jardin de Anne Frank
Or this one

where people can be seen lingering in the warm sunshine eating lunch or reading,

soaking up those golden rays and storing their warmth against the cold times ahead.

The Place des Voges looked lovely in its Autumn colours, its beautiful buildings surrounding the square.

There were lots of people - young and old sitting in the sun and shade

and of course, an artist- dressed perfectly for the part - at work at his easel under the trees near the statue in the centre of the square.

We soaked it up,

storing the memories till we visit again.

Oh Paris, how will we ever settle back down to life in Brissy ?

Au Revoir ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  1. Travel safely Helen. See you back home.

  2. You wil soon settle back to your life in Oz especially as the winter is on its way here in Europe and Paris can be so very cold and also wet so you will have memories of sunny days but the Parisiens will be wishing they were in Brisbane where it will be warm and sunny! I love Paris too and know how hard it is to leave. Bon voyage and hope you get home safely.

  3. I love Paris too.When we go we stay ear Place des Vosges.A really lovely area and so convenient for visiting interesting places.Great restaurants too.

  4. Marathon trip home with seventeen hours wait in Singapore. That's nearly 40 hours in transit !! Slept for a full twelve hours last night. First time I've ever slept that long ! Washing on the line, suitcases unpacked and stowed away. Time to start planning the next one !

  5. You'll have to sing this to yourself now that you're back home, Helsie....welcome back!

    (And how I've cried every time I've watched the movie "The Last Time I Saw Paris"!)

    "A lady known as Paris, Romantic and Charming
    Has left her old companions and faded from view

    Lonely men with lonely eyes are seeking her in vain
    Her streets are where they were, but there's no sign of her

    She has left the Seine

    The last time I saw Paris, her heart was warm and gay,
    I heard the laughter of her heart in every street café

    The last time I saw Paris, her trees were dressed for spring,
    And lovers walked beneath those trees and birds found songs to sing.

    I dodged the same old taxicabs that I had dodged for years.
    The chorus of their squeaky horns was music to my ears.

    The last time I saw Paris, her heart was warm and gay,
    No matter how they change her, I'll remember her that way.

    I'll think of happy hours, and people who shared them
    Old women, selling flowers, in markets at dawn

    Children who applauded, Punch and Judy in the park
    And those who danced at night and kept our Paris bright

    'til the town went dark."

    And, of course,....there is this one....just for nostalgia sake!

    "I love Paris in the spring time
    I love Paris in the fall
    I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles
    I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles

    I love Paris every moment
    Every moment of the year
    I love Paris, why, oh why do I love Paris
    Because my love is here

    I love Paris every moment
    Every moment of the year
    I love Paris, why, oh why do I love Paris
    Because my love is here

    She's there, she's everywhere
    But she's really here"

    1. Yep, I'm singing them both Lee. Back to the old ho hum life now. We took the Tamborine rellies with us to France. They are busily trying to convert their Tamborine cottage into a French cottage now !

  6. Oh Mon Dieu! Have you made it back to Brisbane? It's now October 15th and you still haven't confirmed your safe return home. I hope you are not at the bottom of the Indian Ocean with crabs and starfish.

    1. Oh silly me. I should have read the comments too. Thank God you are safe after what has clearly been another super holiday.

    2. I love it when you speak French YP. Yes, it was wonderful. You are so lucky to be so close to Europe and all its wonders.
      It won't be long and I'll be planning the next holiday. Then when we win the lottery I'll be ready to spring into action.

    3. Oh cherie, laissez Monsieur Tony et fuyons à Venise - la ville de l'amour .
