Thursday, October 8, 2015


Although the day started out cloudy we set out to explore a part of Paris we have never been to before.
We popped up out of the Metro and there was a wonderful food market right in front of us.

We had skipped breakfast hoping to enjoy a coffee and pastry in a little cafe somewhere but instead we opted for a punnet of blackberries and half a dozen black figs ( a new favourite since Sarlat ) and nibbled as we strolled along.

That's what is so special about this lovely city, there are hidden treasures all around.

A bit of research and we had set out to explore the area around the Canal St Matin.

The clouds began to lift as we walked along beside the canal.

Some sections are wider than others

and some surrounding streets are nicer than others

but the canal itself remains very pretty all the way, criss-crossed in many places by pretty iron bridges.

It really was a pretty walk with the trees just beginning to drop their leaves but many still retaining their green canopy.

The day had turned sunny and clear

giving us lots of wonderful photo opportunities

and to top it all off  we watched a tour boat move through a lock

a sight not experienced by many Aussies

Not our first experience but always interesting to watch.

Water level just right, the the gates open 

and onwards sails the tour boat ! 

Brilliant !

Another lovely day !



  1. Lovely photos of a corner of Paris I didn't know existed (there are many of them). The market looks like a wonderful place for strolling.

    1. There's something lovely Round every corner Lorrie !

  2. As you know I love Paris and the hidden corners of it too so this brought back memories for me. Glad you had such a lovely day for your outing. Have you visited the Jardin Bagatelle in the Bois de Boulogne or Isle aux Cynes a man made island in the Seine? Both lovely especially if the weather is fine.

    1. No, not either of those Jane. Will make a note of them. Hopefully we'll be back next year.

  3. Quelle surprise! There happened to be another food market!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. How much longer in France Helen. I have started to scroll through your posts, but I am waiting until your holiday is over to start at the beginning and really immerse myself in that French experience. I am so please you and Tony are having such a great time ~ it really comes through in your posts.

  6. You certainly are having a wonderful holiday, Helsie. Your wonderful photos exude a calmness...if only life was always calm...peaceful and happy. :)

    I'm enjoying "our" holiday...where are we going to next...are we there yet?

  7. Beautiful photos of your lovely holiday.
    Anne xx

  8. These lovely canalside Parisian photos require accordion accompaniment and the odour of "Gitanes"!

    1. Had to look up "Gitanes" YP. There is certainly no anti smoking campaign working in France. This visit has shown me how much our campaign in Oz is working.
