Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Whale season is about to start in Hervey Bay.

The good news is that the numbers have increased mightily since these wonderful creatures are no longer hunted.

They seem to be very inquisitive and often come up close to the boats to eyeball the people watching them.

Thanks for the wonderful photos Australia.com


  1. They are great photos Helsie. Do you get out on the boats when you visit your parents?

  2. Great photos of whales. Thanks for sharing them with us. We saw a humpback on our ferry crossing from the mainland on Sunday. Usually we just see orcas as the humpbacks tend to swim on the outside of our island. They are magnificent creatures.

  3. Whales are such majestic creatures. Great pictures. I believe Warrnambool in Victoria is another great spot for whale watching.

  4. They're wonderful creatures! Have there been any sightings of Migaloo yet? I don't recall seeing any so far this season. I might have missed any reports...which is a little unusual for me! :)

    1. Migaloo (we think it was) was surprisingly spotted off the New Zealand coast a month or so ago. If it wasn't Migaloo, it was another white whale.

  5. How interesting! I think I would be terrified though! I'm a big chicken.

  6. I'm so glad they aren't hunted anymore. Beautiful photos of these magnificent animals.
    Anne xx
