Monday, July 6, 2015


This is my little Lemonade tree 
Or rather this WAS my little Lemonade tree last year before I harvested its first crop of lemonade fruit.

Here it is today, doing very well in its pot.

I've just removed most of this years crop

24 lemonades so far 
With a few left on the tree.

They are just beginning to colour up but I couldn't leave them on the poor little tree any longer as they were about to break the branches off with their weight. 
When I've taken all the fruit off I'll prune the branches right back as I did last year and give it a dose of fertiliser.

Now I have a new supply of lovely lemony juice for my Helsie's Downfall cocktail.

All that vitamin C must be good for you in this chilly Wintery weather !



  1. Helsie's Downfall is a great name for a cocktail. When we were in Crete we went to "The Jolly Roger Bar" five nights in a row. On their cocktail list they had two cocktails I had never heard of,- "Sex With The Barmaid" and "Sex With The Barman". This could have caused some misunderstanding when ordering drinks so I stuck to Mythos beer and Shirley had Margaritas.

    1. Yes, YP you have to be adventurous with cocktail names and I could easily drink one or two which would indeed lead to my downfall ! A bit cold here for them at the mo!

  2. ooh lovely! I'd like a lemon tree but they wouldn't grow over here, haha!

    1. No , I don't think they would Louise. But not a lemon , a LEMONADE! Lemon flavour but sweet like the drink!

  3. You have to make sure you get your Vitamin C . I'd be recommending one shot a day of your miracle cure.

  4. That's my story Shay and I'm sticking to it!!

  5. Your little lemonade tree is much like my little lemon tree. It, too, produces lots of beautiful, delicious, juicy fruit (not of the chewing gum variety)!

    I have just used the last one of the the latest crop. Each morning upon rising I squeeze lemon juice into a little water and swallow that before starting my day.

    Your cocktail looks like a fitting, good way to celebrate the end of the day! :)

  6. I've heard of starting your day with lemon and water Lee. Supposed to be very healthy.

  7. Okay, now I have to google the lemonade tree. And Helsie's Downfall looks mighty tasty!

  8. I like the sound of that. I need to get one of those trees.

  9. Pour me one please it sounds lovely, I am on my way :-)
    One of our poor plum trees that we thought would fruit this year has curled leaves :-(. So it will be pruned back well later on, plus a lot of white fly about here grrrrr

  10. Thank you Helsie for commenting on my blog:)
    I am thinking of planting a lemon tree here.
