Monday, June 8, 2015

WOMAN IN GOLD - Film review

I'm a great fan of Helen Mirren.
So when I heard she was starring in this movie about the epic struggle of  Maria Altmann to regain possession of the painting of her aunt Adele Bloch-Bauer by the artist Gustav Klimt which had been stolen by the Nazis, I was keen to see it.

After the war the painting was exhibited by the Austrian Government in the Belvedere Gallery in Vienna which claimed ownership of it.

The painting is quite dazzling.

The resemblance to Adele is quite striking.

Maria Altmann fought for eight years to regain possession of the painting.

Helen Mirren was BRILLIANT, perhaps her best movie ever. 
We loved the movie, the best we've seen for quite a while.
Look out Oscars !

Go and see it if you can!



  1. Well, now I do want to see it ... I had not looked at the painting before. What a treasure!

    Excellent post today Helsie ... I'm off to google Gustav Klimt.

  2. Thanks for the "heads up" Helen. It is amazing that after seventy years, the legacy of Nazism is still being unravelled. I hope that poor old Gustav is ready for ThreeOldKeys to "google" him!

  3. A friend of mine saw the movie a couple of weeks ago and she loved it, too. I doubt Mirren has ever made a bad movie. She's one of a kind. :)
