Saturday, June 13, 2015


June 6th is Queensland Day.
We celebrate the separation from New South Wales to become an independent state in 1859.
June is a lovely time of year in Brisbane.
Cooler weather and bright sunny days just make being outside so delightful.
On this lovely sunny Queensland Day ( which also happened to co-inside with the Queen's Birthday Long Weekend holiday) the Governor of Queensland threw open his lovely house and grounds to the public allowing them access to some of the rooms in the house and the freedom to picnic in the lovely grounds.
We've never been before and always wanted to have a look. You can't see much of the house from the road as it is situated on top of a rather steep hill with several acres of bushland surrounding it, even though it is right in the heart of an inner city suburb. 

We joined the throng of people at the bottom gate and began the climb when the gates opened at midday.
Before the climb bottled water, Queensland flags and an information sheet were distributed to anyone who wanted them!!

The path climbed very steeply up through the bush till we reached a levelled out section on one side where there was a tennis court, a swimming pool and a very nice modern pavilion.

We stopped for a breather and to have a look inside the lovely pavilion and were greeted by kitchen staff handing out Lamingtons. If you've never heard of Lamingtons look here. They have become an Australian icon along with Vegemite and Iced VoVos.

Another chef was filling tiny cherry tomatoes with goats cheese which were also handed out.

After this generous snack we were fortified to finish the climb to the house,

arriving at the side of the house. The house faces the city from the top of the hill so the view is lovely from the side veranda.

Round the front people were queuing to enter the house so we joined the line and we were very surprised to see the Governor himself moving down the line greeting and talking to the waiting crowd.

He worked his way down the line apologising for the long wait to get inside till it was my turn to shake hands and chat briefly. I was very impressed by his warmth and friendliness and total lack of formality. Just another Aussie !!

 There was very little visible security  - Just the Deputy Police Commissioner and another elderly fellow in a police dress uniform and the whole feel was relaxed and friendly.

Before long it was our turn to enter the house.
No photos allowed inside which I find hard to understand.
There were only a couple of rooms open to see but what we saw was very nice - stylish but comfortable . It is not a very big house and these days important guests usually stay in the big city hotels where they can take up whole floors of the buildings but Prince William was a recent exception to this and I'm sure he would have enjoyed his stay where he could swim or stroll around the grounds in the fresh air without prying eyes.
Immediately in front of the house is a lovely lawned area where seats were scattered for the use of families who chose to picnic there under the huge trees
and many were making themselves quite at home there.

By now the line had filled with lots of people and snaked down to the front entrance.

When we emerged from the house on the far side at the back there were a few stalls selling mementos and Tony bought a couple of nice crystal wine glasses so we can be very posh when we next cook a roast on the BBQ......
.......and there was the Governor and his wife again ! Strolling around chatting and mingling with the citizens on a lovely June day ! 

We live in a very lucky country


  1. super photos.What a lovely occasion.We heard a talk on Thursday from one of our U3A members who at the age of 60 went with her doctor husband to run a hospital and GP practise in Mitchell ,8 hours from Brisbane ,in the outback.They stayed for almost 2 years.A fascinating talk and what brave thing to do.He has now retired and they are back in N Wales running a small holding with cows,sheep, hens etc

    1. Nice to hear from you BJ. What an adventurous friend you have!

  2. Looks like great time was had by all! Ros

  3. What a lovely occasion! Your pictures are wonderful. The house and especially the grounds are just outstanding. I am happy you finally went for the holiday and had a beautiful day and lovely time.

    1. Many thanks, it was a lovely day. we think we'll go back with a picnic next year.

  4. Great selection of photos Helen! And you looked completely at home in your surroundings :)
    Jill Brooks

    1. Thanks Jill. It was a thrill to shake hands with the Governor, about the only way I ever will !!!

  5. What a pleasant outing it was for you both.

    There was little mention of Queensland Day this year, I thought. It seem to come and go with out any fanfare at all.But that might have just been me. 6th June is always a day filled with memories for me...and I kind of withdraw into myself a bit. My brother Graham passed away on 6th June,'s unbelievable to me that 17 years have quickly.

    Wonderful photos, Helsie...I've only seen Government House from afar...from the road...we used to live in Toowong and then it was within our reach. :)

  6. Sad for you Lee, you remember him often in your writing. We've wanted to go on an Open Day for a while so this time we got ourselves organised !

  7. I have heard of Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria but who was Queen Sland? I am guessing a female leader of the native Australians - probably feisty like Queen Lee. Nice picture of Queen Helen by the way but what is she holding? Is it a plate or a frisbee?

    1. Behave yourself, Yorky! lol

    2. You're asking the impossible Lee!
      Tony loves to take cheesy photos YP and I'm happy to oblige.

  8. Now that is a wonderful way to celebrate Queensland Day! Civilized, friendly, simple, generous, welcoming ... and your pictures are super. I'm glad you were able to visit the governor!

    1. Yes, it was all of those things. Thanks for visiting !

  9. How nice the Governor was so relaxed and greeted you. The home and grounds are lovely. I would like to visit your beautiful country. Hello from California.
