Tuesday, December 2, 2014


This week I've been:
* Babysitting Scout while Sally went to Bali.

Making a start on Christmas shopping.
I have the wrapping covered, now I just have to buy the gifts !

* Buying cherries - love the dark red ones.
There's supposed to be a huge crop this year.
 I wonder if that means they won't be expensive !!

* Stopping for lunch while Christmas shopping.
Sushi is my weakness ! ( well, one of them !! )

* Marvelling at how clever Nature is !
Although we badly need rain, this Ixora loves the Summer and the little bit of water that I have given it and here's my reward !
Here's a more recent photo of poor Scout.
She has a badly strained Achilles tendon
and will be in a splint for a couple of weeks.
Oh dear !!


  1. Interesting split colour on your Ixora Helen. I have had both colours, but never on the same bush.

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  2. Yes Carol, and on the same flower too ! Hope you are set to enjoy a nice long holiday break ?

  3. arrh! poor Scout, hope she better soon
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

    1. Keeping her quiet is the problem now Julie !

  4. I wondered where you were! Hope poor Scout is soon 100% again and that Sally had a good time in Bali. Cherries at Christmas eh? How lovely that would be!! Cold here today but at least it is dry and no snow as yet!

    1. Mangos and cherries. Doesn't get any better than that Jane!

  5. Oh the cherries! They are so sweet and the season is so short! Enjoy them while you can. I do hope there's a bumper crop to enjoy.

    1. Always cherries and mangos in time for Christmas!

  6. Oh, poor Scout. I hope she's all better real soon. I heard on the news tonight that Darius Boyd has gone out in sympathy with her. He tore his Achilles today during training. Not a good start to his renewed career with the Broncos. It looks like he'll be out all season at this point in time.

    I love cherries, too. I love all fruit and eat loads of it daily. Cherries do seem to have started off the season at a more reasonable price than other years. Same with apricots...they've started off cheaper this season, too. They remained very expensive all last season, I found...and I'm making up for it!

    Give Scout a cuddle for me. :)

    1. The best thing about Summer is the fruit , don't you think? Scout is back staying with us till her splint comes off. It's not slowing her down much !

  7. I must say Helen, I am surprised you didn't give us a personal update about that awful storm you had in Brisbane the other day - with giant hailstones raining down. I imagined Tony bravely sheltering you with his own body to protect you from those fist-sized lumps of ice. What a guy!

    1. The storm didn't come near us YP. Lucky, I know but it is so dry here. Sounds like you've heard a fair bit about the storm anyway. It seems I'm always posting about some disaster linked to the weather here, thought I'd give it a rest!

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  9. Sounds like a busy week! Hope poor Scout is up and running again very soon! Ros
