Friday, December 5, 2014


I'm not a huge fan of Christmas because it's so HOT ! 
No matter what I do I can never get cool on Christmas Day.

This year it's our turn to have the family gathering here ....
Which means Tony's family as mine are all up in Hervey Bay...
So I have to start making plans.

No heavy fruit cake for us this year ( or any other year !)
In honour of our recent holiday in Italy this year we are having Panforte.

Yesterday I gathered the ingredients together and in no time it was done.


Next standby was Almond Bread


So there's a turkey breast in the freezer, 
a whole ham on order.

The tree is up, 
presents purchased and wrapped.

I seem to be on top of it all.



  1. Heat for Christmas is what we experienced when we lived in the Ecuadorian jungle. But somehow we still cooked the turkey (or chicken), the stuffing and all. You are definitely on top of it all with your preparations. Hope you can relax a little now.

    1. Just hoping the actual day isn't too hot Lorrie. How are you going with your preps?

  2. Come on over here - it's frosty this morning with a rosy hue to the dawn sky! Have just broken the ice on the birds; dish of water. You are ahead of the game I haven't done anything towards it yet! Oh well there's always New Year if it doesn't get done I gues.

  3. So organised Helen. I love the idea of putting your Italian twist on Christmas.

    1. Now I just have to control my consumption Carol.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Helsie: Oooh, I like Panforte. Yours looks really good. The almond bread reminds me of these biscotti you get with drinks in Italy. I like the sound of a whole ham. You are certainly well prepared and much further on than me. I have still to do any decorating and still to buy and wrap a number of presents.

  6. A whole leg of ham is the best thing about Christmas in my opinion Foody. It's smoked and I glaze it with marmalade jam, brown sugar and Dijon mustard. Lovely hot or cold. Can't wait !!
