Saturday, August 9, 2014


Guests for lunch on Sunday meant a bit of extra effort.
 Chicken, mushroom and leek pie ready for a last minute trip to the oven.
Served up with roast vegies, red cabbage and peas it tasted pretty darn good !
Dessert needed to be something light
so Panna Cotta was just the thing.


My first attempt and they were perfect.
I topped them with berries
 - frozen raspberries and fresh strawberries gently cooked with a little sugar -
Mmmmmmmmmm !
Small Roma tomatoes oven dried .
full of intense tomatoey flavour they made a lovely lunch on buttered sour dough bread.
Other dinners this week -
 sweet chilli salmon

chicken and vegies stir fry
So today - Saturday - saw us up early and off to the Fresh Food Market to replenish supplies

This lot should see us through for the next two weeks. 

and now there's a pot of vegetable soup bubbling on the stove.
We've just bought ourselves a new " Weber Q" barbeque
to replace our big six burner which was a bit of overkill for just the two of us.
We 'll be ready when the warmer weather arrives.


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, too late this time Carol. Next time you're down this way perhaps.

  2. I'll be right over ...looks like gourmet cooking is going on at Chez Helsie.

    1. Winter time always makes me want to cook things Shay.

  3. Lots of wonderful things happening in your kitchen this week. We are so fortunate to have an abundance of fresh food in this country.
    Anne xx

  4. Can I come to lunch one day please? Looks delicious.

  5. Firstly, Weber barbecues are wonderful. I used to have one years ago. Many a fun night was spent around it.

    A healthy lot of food on display there...and that chicken pie does look so delicious.

    I eat a lot of fresh fruit....I love it. Have a great week, Helsie. :)

  6. So much good cooking and eating at your place! We also have a Weber barbecue and use it frequently now during the summer. It saves heating up the kitchen. Your chicken pie looks wonderful!
    Have a great week.

    1. Signs that Winter is nearly over Lorrie so we're getting ready. Winter makes me want to cook things like that chicken pie.

  7. Mmmmmm! That Tony he's a lucky man! Everybody knows that the way to a man's heart is through his belly! Do you do B&B?

    1. Hope he realises just how lucky he is YP !
      Don't do B&B, hate all that bed making !

  8. Aw, Helsie, what gorgeous, scrumptious food! There must always be a really lovely smell in your house. Everything just looks fantastic. I'm saving up now for my air ticket for Helsie's Kitchen. (We have a programme here called Hell's Kitchen so a bit of a pun there.)

  9. Ha,ha ! We have Hells Kitchen too. Not any bad language in my kitchen though !!

  10. YUMMY!!! I can almost smell it all from here, especially the chicken and leek pie! Better get my backside into gear and get some food ready..... sadly nothing to compare with your wonderful offerings. Ros
