Sunday, August 17, 2014


When we go on holidays we take hundreds, no thousands, of photos.
Tony has the you-beaut-DSLR camera with several different lenses
and I have a little idiot proof, point-and-shoot camera that I love.
 Taking lots of photos means we cement those holiday experiences in our memories
so the photos always include photos of the food we eat as well as the places we go and the people we meet along the way.
When we come home we spend a lot of time looking at them and it has become a tradition that we make a photo book - ( Blerb is our program of choice ).
Every year the book gets bigger and bigger - this year required two books.

The first, about Italy, filled 250 pages and it a real brick of a book

and the second much smaller ( thinner ) one is just about our week in Paris.
After all this studying of photos Tony has chosen one photo as the best of the holiday and it is this one :
And guess what?
 It is one I took !!
Apparently the play of light and shade in this Roman streetscape has made it a winner !
The one we chose for the cover of the photobook ( and coming in a very close second ) is this one of a Venice canal taken by Tony.
We've decided to have them enlarged ( a lot ) and framed to put on our family room wall.
They can take pride of place there for a time until they are replaced with the winners from our next trip.
These ones are photos we have had put on canvas from previous trips to England and Paris and will now gradually be replaced with this years selections.

 ( Tony has changed the setting on my camera so that it takes a photo that fills the whole screen of our new TV without distorting the image but it looks a bit weird doesn't it ?)

This photo below ( from this trip ) is a favourite of mine of the spectacular horses at St Mark's in Venice.
I have framed it and it already graces the wall in the dining room.

What do you do with your holiday photos ?


  1. Lovely photos Helen. What do I do with my photos? Well I put the best on a blog post and the rest are on the computer waiting to be sorted and maybe printed - I keep meaning to sort them out and sometimes I think maybe I'll just delete the lot as there are too many and I never get round to sorting them out! I don't have any as lovely as yours I don't think. It's often the way that with our little point and shoot cameras we get better photos than the posh all singing all dancing cameras do!

    1. Using them on your blog is a great idea don't you think? They are there forever (?) so everyone can enjoy them too. I have so many of my kids growing up that I need to sort through and put into an album but I'm thinking of scanning them and making a photobook with them too .

  2. Panoramio and geograph and under your schoolmistressly influence I have made two photo books - one of the Peak District in England and the other called "Foreign Parts" - two hundred pages of places I have seen around the world. It is sad when photos are taken and then exist only on the hard drive of a computer - probably never to be looked at again. By the way, in my humble opinion, Tony's Venice cover picture is a super one - you should let him go to the pub for a beer or two after he has completed his household duties.

    1. tony is going to get back into Panoramio, he's dropped off with that a bit but he was enjoying the contact with other photography buff. He didn't like the way so many photos were photoshopped though.
      Personally I like the canal photo better too.

  3. Oh, these are wonderful Helsie! Gorgeous photos displayed beautifully. I keep meaning to get mine printed and rarely do. I have a few hanging on the walls. My goal is to get some canvases printed - I love that look.

    1. Thanks , canvas looks great with the right photo Lorrie. The one on the wall of the rooftops in the Cotswolds looks just like a painting and fools lots of people. We're going to go for glossy prints framed in proper frames this time to see how that goes.

  4. I take a ton of photos on holiday too ( mainly food I must confess !) and when we get home we have photo books made up too. Its a wonderful way to share the trip with family and friends and I'm much more likely to take the book out and look at it than look at pictures on my computer,

    You and Tony both have a wonderful eye for photography. Your pictures are stunning!

    1. tony is pretty good and I am getting better but then we take so many we should be improving ! Glad to hear we're not the only ones who have to take a photo before we can eat !!

  5. Love the competition for bragging rights ~ and congratulations Helen for taking the prize. To think you took so many photos on your holiday.

    1. Really I like the canal photo better Carol but they are both good ones. The thing is, mine is accidentally good !!!

  6. What a truly wonderful array of photos, Helsie. And so many wonderful memories. Beautiful!

    1. Yes, they serve their purpose well Lee. It's a pity to take so many nice ones then not use them so they are becoming the artwork on our walls.

  7. Helsie, you mentioned winner ad second and the instant before I read those words I thought to myself 'if they entered these in competitions they would be winners.' Is that what happened? They are really, really stunning. If you published books of these photos they would make you a lot of money. It is lovely to have such original pictures on your walls at home. That one of the bronze horses is a stunner. What do I do with my photos? Em.... put them onto the computer in a folder in 'my pictures' and put them on a memory stick as well, which I usually label. I always intend going back to weed out and leave myself just the best ones, but never get round to it. I hardly ever look at them again even tough I have a digital photo screen on the shelf in the sitting room. Shameful. Your idea of books is the nicest idea.

  8. Thanks for your kind words Foody but the competition is only between Tony and I and is not really a competition. I'm glad you liked the bronze horses. They are spectacular and really ancient. Can't believe how clever the people were so long ago. We have seen some spectacular art works on this trip and though we know very little about art we have certainly appreciated them.

  9. Great photos! I don't do albums. Never have. I love your books though. And blowing them up for the wall. I have one of Burano I love. I posted some on my blog. I take thousands too with my iPhone.
