Monday, April 14, 2014


AsIt is exactly two weeks today till we jet of on our much anticipated holiday in Italy.
We're counting down the days and ticking off the jobs that need to be done.

1. Visit Brett and Sarah in Sydney .... Tick

2. Visit Mum and Dad in Hervey Bay....... Tick

3. Get new suitcases down from wardrobe and dust them off...... Tick

4.  Get technology organised...... Tick

This means the purchase of a brand new iPad for me !
A lovely new, THIN, light ipad5 has made its way into my possession and I am writing this post on it to see if I can post and place photos scattered amongst the text.

As you can see from this photo I am also learning how to do screen shots on the iPad!

5. Begin to gather clothes together. ........ Tick

So that's five ticks and this iPad post seems to be working well too. 
I'm sure that I will get the hang of it as I use it more while on the holiday.
I'm hoping to get back into blogging more when I have more to blog about while traveling around Italy.



  1. Yep- you have the Ipad blog post thing all sorted ! I think anticipation is one of the best parts of any trip.

    1. Seems we've been waiting a long time for this trip Shay

  2. How very exciting for you both, a holiday to Italy. It's such a gorgeous country to visit and I look forward to you sharing your photos and travel stories with us. Glad the Ipad is mastered too.
    Anne xx

    1. The new ipad seems great Anne, very thin and light compared to the earlier ones.

  3. I've been considering an iPad, so I'll be really interested to see how you like yours. Have a great time!

    1. I'm hoping it will be easier to blog with than the older one was Jan. It is certainly better than taking the laptop on holidays with us !

  4. Helen - You are like a kid on Christmas Eve! But I don't blame you for I know how much you and your beau relish foreign travel. Will you be going to Vinci and then walking to Leonardo's birthplace? It is between Florence and Pisa. Oh and don't forget some pepper spray to see off those Italian ladies who will be like flies round a honeypot once they spot Tony.

    1. Yes YP starting to get excited now. Just a 93rd birthday to get through and then all our commitments have been attended to. We saw the tomb of Leonardo in Amboise in the Loire Valley.
      Don't know how Tony will handle the Italian ladies, he doesn't know how to say "No" in Italian !!!!

  5. Sounds like you're just about ready to go, and you have your technology completed organised and set to go.

    1. Hope it all fits in the new suitcases Marg!

  6. How exciting! Nothing more exciting than new technology and preparing for a fabulous trip to Italy. I can't wait to see your posts from your holiday.

    1. I'm sure there'll be plenty of photos Louise. Just hope we don't bore every body to tears . ( but I guess you can just exit when it all gets too much )

  7. Aaaah ~ your trip is so close. I am glad you have had success blogging on your new iPad. Enjoy Easter Helen and happy packing.

    1. Thanks Carol it seems to work OK and I can insert the pictures amongst the text so that's what I wanted to do.
      Happy Easter, enjoy what's left of your hols.
