Tuesday, April 8, 2014


A weekend visit to Sydney was in the wind as we gathered to celebrate the engagement of Brett and Sarah.
To say we are delighted they have decided to take this big step would be an understatement !
Leaving home at 6:00am we first drove to the Gold Coast to pick up Sally then on to Coolangatta airport for a 9:00am flight to Sydney.
The Gold Coast looked its sparkling best in the early morning sunshine
before we headed south to Sydney.
Due to the fact that Queensland does not join the southern states in switching to Daylight Saving Time over the Summer months, we lost an hour on the one and a half hour flight and arrived in Sydney at 11:30 am.
It was lovely to catch up with Brett and Sarah for a while before we checked into a nearby motel and dolled ourselves up before setting off in the late afternoon for the city by ferry.

 We started off with bubbles - the best way to begin any celebration -
at the Argyle Hotel , a very trendy spot in the historic Rocks area.

When we emerged darkness had fallen and the famous Sydney landmarks were all lit up

Our restaurant for the night was one of these lined up below
complete with tall ship masts as decoration

It was a lovely night.
We met Sarah's family for the first time and were soon chatting like old friends.
Exciting times ahead planning a wedding for later in the year.
Sunday's weather began fine but cool.
Just enough time for a delightful breakfast but
as the day progressed the weather deteriorated until we said goodbye and headed home
  in this



  1. That took me back a few years when we visited our son in Sydney.

  2. I am glad you got to all celebrate as a family Helen. When are you off to Italy?

  3. A wonderful short break in Sydney. At least you had some nice weather. Congratulations to Brett and Sarah.
