Monday, December 16, 2013


When the end of the week rolls around

and the weather is fine and the temperature balmy,

sometimes the need for an outing comes upon you.

So it happened on a recent Friday evening that we set out for an aimless wander along the river at Southbank in the city.

We were not the only ones feeling like an outing !!

Southbank was bright and sparkly with lots of people of all ages out enjoying the lovely evening.

The lovely bouganvillea walkway was ablaze with colour

By 7 o'clock darkness was falling as it does here in the sub-tropics....

very quickly !

Families and couples were enjoying picnic teas on the grass as the city began to sparkle across the river.

It was only a short time before it was completely dark
 so we caught the ferry across to the other side of the river for a bite of tea .

The paddle steamer restaurant was loading up for the dinner cruise.

Then it was off home again on the CityCat ferry.

We sat out the back and watched the city disappear

with the breeze adding to our enjoyment of another fantastic evening

in our lovely modern city.

Cheers  .....

 from Brisbane

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  1. Aaah memories ~ Southbank, City Cats, bridges, lights. You will have me moving back to the city next Helen. I remember when they first planted that Bougainvillea ~ it looks stunning!! You got to love that city!

  2. what a lovely evening out - great photos too.

  3. This country bumpkin really enjoyed all the sights you shared. Southbank is a beautiful city. Thanks for sharing your night out!!!

  4. Lovely especially to us here in UK where it is dark now by 4.00 ish Lights on by 3.30 as darkness begins to fall. I think I'd really miss our twilight evenings and longer summer days though if I lived where you do!

  5. Might just have to do that this Friday night. I love Brisbane, it's a great city.

  6. The place looks the bee's knees!

  7. I love Summer nights! And I love 'em even more if there are lights and sights and people. It sure looks like a fun night out!

  8. Southbank is such a pretty and vibrant place. Great photos !

  9. Another marvellous photo-story which I enjoyed but It might have been more dramatic if the last picture had shown two upside down feet and the caption "Tony stumbled on the deck of the CityCat and fell overboard" but that's just my Monty Pythonesque humour! Sorry Helen!
