Friday, December 7, 2012


Today, nine long years after he was abducted from a bus stop and murdered on his way to do some Christmas shopping, Daniel Morcombe was finally laid to rest.
Finally his parents and family know he is back where he belongs.
His parents Bruce and Denise, never gave up,
 kept his name in the public eye
and never let us forget they were searching for their son.
His kidnap never became a " cold case".
Every year they held rallies and marches commemorating their son and pushing their child safety message.
They've been so brave but Denise has a haunted look and the saddest eyes.
Thousands gathered on the Sunshine Coast today to celebrate Daniel's legacy and remember the short life of a boy who touched the heart of a nation, inspired a child-safety revolution and gave his parents the strength to go on.
In his eulogy today Bruce Morcombe said:
"He may no longer with us but Daniel's legacy lives on. The Daniel Morcombe Foundation is committed to doing all we can to ensure this never happens again by educating children on ways to keep safe and supporting young victims of crime." 
Mr Morcombe paid tribute to police, SES volunteers, media, government and business leaders, Daniel's former schools and the broad community for never forgetting Daniel.

The family are taking comfort from knowing their son and brother would now, finally, rest in peace. 
Footnote : Brett Peter Cowan, 43, has been charged with child stealing, deprivation of liberty, indecent treatment, murder and interfering with a corpse.

All photos and information today from here


  1. In amongst all of this ongoing horror for the family they have been so dignified.

    I cried buckets last night when this item came on the news because while they have been able to give Daniel the funeral they so badly wanted , the outcome has been so sad.

  2. I hadn't heard this story before. It is wonderful that out of the horror and the pointlessness of Daniel's death his family have wrought something positive - getting the message of safety out to kids so that the chances of repeat abductions by evil nutcases are diminished. I really can't imagine what it must be like to lose a child in that way. Every morning must be like Groundhog Day with the pain resurfacing.

  3. What a haunting, heart breaking event...I guess these horrible things happen everywhere. Sad, but true. God bless his family.

  4. Such a sad story, with the only light being that some good may come from the work being done by the Foundation that has been set up. Ros

  5. How terribly sad. Makes me think of Madeleine McCann and April Jones. Will they ever find them?
