Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Finally I'm making a start on Christmas.
Every year I struggle to get into the mood but a cool day helps
so this morning the tree came out and the decorating began.

The dining table was the first to benefit......

then the tree went into position and all the old, familiar decorations came out of their box
and went into position.

Souvenirs of overseas trips,



 handmade ones from the past,






it's nice to see them once again on our tree.


 it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

at our place !

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  1. It is fun to take out all the Christmas decorations and reminisce their origins! Happy Decorating!!!

  2. Very pretty! Took me a while to get started too. Decided to only put up the front half of the tree against a wall as our lounge room seems to be full of chairs these days (added two recliners..... just wonderful!). It doesn't look too bad either and all of the decorations went up as per usual. Just today hanging the many quilted Xmas decorations and if I'm lucky I will also find my dining table under all that "stuff" that's on it and a pretty table runner will be out too!

    Lovely to have the cooler weather back, hope it hangs around for Xmas day.

    Your home looks so lovely and clean! maybe I had better do a bit of that today too:-(

    Happy Christmas!
    Cheers from Helen

  3. Lovely to have so many items filled with memories as your decorations. You'd love it here just now - it's a white world outside though not with snow just a very hard frost. Thought of you yesterday and your air conditioning (is it mended now?) and how cool you'd be here!

  4. Christmas has definitely not started in our house unless you take into consideration the sparkling snowflake that has been hanging on the curtain rail since last year. Too much on my mind with other stuff but I've promised myself that I will do it tomorrow and it WILL be fun.
    Anne xx

  5. It all looks lovely. One of the highlights of Christmas for me is unpacking all the things I haven't seen for 11 months and getting all excited about them again!

  6. I know what you mean. I get attached to my little tree trinkets and love unwrapping them every year and fondly remembering where they came from. We like to buy them on holidays too. We'll - or I'll - be doing our tree this weekend I think.
