Thursday, December 27, 2012

Les Miserables - A MOVIE REVUE

It must be about 22 or 23 years ago that Les Miserables first came to my attention.
(I may have studied the book by Victor Hugo in Senior French but as I was appauling at French I don't remember the story - probably never understood it as we had to translate it as we went ! )
The musical was being staged for the first time in Brisbane's new Performing Arts Complex on the banks of the Brisbane River in the city.
Times were difficult for us then and money was short - private school fees for two etc. etc - and so I decided to send Sally along as a young teenager with a group of her friends and as usual Mum missed out.
However I didn't miss out on hearing the wonderful music and eventually managed to see it performed some years later.
Since then whenever there has been an opportunity I have gone to see it.
It is my all time absolute favourite musical.
Better than Phantom of the Opera, Cats ( hated that !!), Gilbert & Sullivan...........
So today, with my best friend who is always my theatre companion, I set of at 10:00am to see the latest production, the film version  of Les Miserables.
To say I loved it is almost an understatement.
I....loved !
The casting is brilliant.
Our Hugh and Russell have done us proud.
( No surprises about Hugh but Russel didn't let the part down either. )
Anne Hathaway - stick thin, her beauty submerged under grime - entirely memorable.
And who knew that she could sing like that?? 
The rest of the cast - some faces that I recognised and some that I didn't - fantastic every one of them.
I know this will not be the only time I see this film.
I'll go back a couple of times I'm sure
 and when it comes out on DVD it's a must for our collection.
Go and see it if you can.


  1. I'm planning on seeing it very soon, sounds wonderful.
    Anne xx

  2. We often find ourselves singing songs form Les Mis when the musical theatre group does concerts. I wish we would actually put it on one day.
    Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much.

  3. I saw it performed in London's West End a few years back. Some wonderful songs and a powerful theme. I look forward to seeing this film version and thank you for your positive review.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I feel like flying over to see it with you... Your praise is infectious. Will have to see it here!

  6. Im going to stump up and say I know nothing about Les Mis. I know- shocking right?

    Glad you enjoyed the movie! I doubt I'll be able to drag Mr. P to this so it'll likely be a DVD movie for me.

  7. Just got back from seeing it after reading your review. Totally agree with you, it is brilliant. Definitely one to see again and then add to the DVD collection. Loved it.
