Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas. 2012

The table was pretty.

The gifts well received.


The home made bonbons cotained strange hats and odd novelty gifts !!!
The food was fabulous

and plentiful

and it wasn't long before we were all looking for somewhere like this ! 

That's it for another year.


  1. Looks absolutely wonderful. That pav looks fab!

  2. You all look coolish. I presume the Air conditioning is working again...?
    Happy New Year!

  3. It's looks like you had the best Christmas. Family together, good food and fun. I must admit to having 40 winks in the chair myself after lunch, BLISS.
    Anne xx

  4. Well, it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with family...good food and lots of fun times. It's so cold here - it seems funny to see you guys in shorts. LOL!

  5. At the risk of stirring your schoolmistress wrath, I'd say the Xmas cracker teeth made you appear more...more sexy. Kind of like a momma shark!
