Thursday, October 11, 2012


No, poor old Dash is not feeling the best at the moment.
She's had a growth removed from her eyelid and is feeling very sorry for herself.
She'll be wearing this gadget for the next two weeks.
Negotiating the furniture with this on your head is not easy.
( and having your big ears all squashed makes you quite deaf too !!)

Let's hope she's happy to do lots of this till she's better.


  1. Ahhhh...poor sweet Dash! Gosh wouldn't you hate to have to wear something like that as a human! It would be terrible. Hopefully the time will go by quickly for her and you too.

  2. Aww...bless her heart! I hope she gets used to it. I've had dogs that just could not tolerate these and some that did fine with them. She looks like she'll be fine. Lots of love and treats should help!

  3. Sweet Dash...I'm sending you big hugs and get well wishes to mend quickly. I hope she is out of that contraption soon.

  4. Get well soon Dash! It must be horrible to wear that collar but hope that she'll make a speedy recovery and can do without it soon.

  5. Poor girl! Big hug from Aunty Kath n England x

  6. Poor Dash, hope she is all better very soon.

  7. If Dash is not happy doing lots of this till she's better, Jethro would be happy to give her some pointers as it's one of his favorite things to do. Having a flat back and all, Jethro's favorite sleeping position is with all four feet up in the air, usually with his head hanging off the edge of my, er, his favorite chair.

  8. Poor Dash! The indignity of wearing a bucket on your head.

    Hope she gets better fast.Its always stressful when a fur baby isnt well.

  9. Mama! Get this flaming lampshade off my head immediately!

  10. Oh dear! Poor old Dash. Hopefully she makes a speedy recovery. It would be so much easier if we could explain to our furry friends! Ros

  11. Aw, poor doggie with a lampshade on her head. I hope she makes a quick recovery. Ludo and the ponies send their love.

  12. My Airedale used to get lots of otitis and had to wear her head in a 'bucket' quite often. She looked very disappointed when it came out of the cupboard. Imagine having that AND itchy ears!!!
